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"So how was he for you?" Hadley asked Steve as she trotted along beside him.

"Good as gold - he always is, certainly got a love of horses". He chuckled, "You ever been up this way before?"

She shook her head. "No?"

He frowned. "You mean Brock ain't taken you up here? The view is great, especially at this time". He said as they reached the top of grasslands that overlooked the town and mountains that surrounded it.

"We usually take the trails. Even then I don't tend to go out this late in the day". They came to a stop and she looked out at the view. "Wow...I didn't even know this existed".

"It's a good place if you want an early morning walk or a late evening one - if you still do the first that is. Sometimes I like to take this way just to think". Steve admitted and dismounted his horse, Hadley attempting to do the same but getting her foot caught in the stirrup. "Woah, watch yourself" He quickly caught her before she fell awkwardly, now looking down at where he had a hold of her. "You alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah...my dress got caught", Steve then helping her to stand. "Thanks".

The winds were picking up a little, and Steve watched as Hadley walked in front of him. Skirts and hair blowing in the breeze.

She really did look a sight, and not a bad one either.

"So, you like it?" He asked from where he was watching from behind her. Making sure the horses stayed where they were.

Hadley turned to him and smiled. "This is the nicest place that anyone has ever taken me".

"Better than all those fancy places back in Manhattan?"

Now she nodded. "Yes. I believe they are. You don't get any views like this when you're in the heart of the city. Kind of makes you appreciate what you have".

"And you should. I know Greystone ain't no Manhattan, but we've got a lot going for us".

"I wouldn't want it to be like anywhere else..."

Steve nodded to himself. "We should be getting back, Flynn may be awake by the time we arrive".

Turning and walking back to him, Steve noticed she was hobbling slightly. "Your ankle ok?"

"Just hurts from where I fell, I can still walk".

"No you can't, you'd do yourself more damage. Let me help you up". He said and then scooped her into his arms, both of them now looking at one another.

Hadley wondered what it would feel like to kiss him, just once? She'd kissed Brock lots of times and even though they were walking out together, she thought she would have felt some kind of flutter in her stomach by now. That wasn't to say she didn't like him. Of course she did. They had lots in common and got along very well. If he was to ask for her hand then she'd agree of course. She'd heard the gossip about her as much as the next person.

As they went to move in closer, he stopped and put her atop of the horse. "Now that wouldn't be very honourable of me, especially as you're seeing another".

She pursed her lips and nodded. "Yes...quite right", mentally kicking herself that this had made things awkward between something that had been just fine.

"Let's get back".


Sarah was on the porch with a now awakened Flynn as they rode in, Steve helping Hadley down. "Everything alright?" she now asked as he helped Hadley to hobble onto the porch and sit down.

"Hadley's dress got caught in the stirrup. She's hurt her ankle". Steve explained.

"I'll go get a cool cloth to wrap around it".  The older woman rose from her chair and disappeared into the house. Flynn now clambering onto his mother's lap.

"Hello my beautiful boy" She smiled and hugged him close.

"Mama" Flynn now said, "See, see"

Hadley saw Steve frown at this. "He's trying to say horsey" She smiled, dodging as Flynn tried to push the horse toy into her face, "We haven't got the grasp of talking properly yet".

Steve smirked. "He'll get there in no time".

"Here we go, wrap this around your leg. I've put some ointment on there that Doctor Banner gave us to ease any aches and pains". Sarah returned outside and wrapped some bandages around her ankle, the coolness soothing the dull throb under her skin.

"Thank you Sarah, and thank you again for taking Flynn at such short notice. I know it probably wasn't ideal".

Steve snorted. "He enjoyed himself, once he's bigger I'll even take him on as a rancher if he wants".

Hadley chuckled. "I'm sure that he'd jump at the chance".

"I'll see you get back to the store, you can't walk like this" Steve told her and nodded to Sarah. "Mom, you take Flynn and I'll carry Hadley".

"I'm ok to hobble".

"You can't put any pressure on it, Steve will carry you" Sarah insisted and took Flynn, watching her son now pick up Hadley like she weighed about as much as a feather, she probably did considering she was a skinny little thing, and put her onto the horse, then giving Flynn to her. "I'll drop in on you tomorrow, see how that ankle is, but you might wanna get Doctor Banner to take a look".

Hadley nodded. "Thank you Sarah".

"Back soon Mom". Steve gave his mother a kiss and began to lead the horse away.

Mary came out and took Flynn on seeing Steve helping Hadley and trying to carry the boy also. "What on earth have you done?" She sighed, taking Flynn.

"She hurt her ankle dismounting the horse, may wanna get Banner to take a look if there's no improvement by morning, but Ma's done what she can for now". Steve said as Hadley nodded.

"C'mon, let's get you upstairs". Mary said, Steve helping Hadley up to her room. "Think we need to give you a few riding lessons". He smirked, hands on his hips as he looked to Hadley.

She let out a small laugh. "I think I shall keep away from riding until I'm all better".

"You just rest up. You need us to take Flynn then let us know".

"I will, thank you Steve".

Tipping his hat to her in the usual fashion he smiled lightly. "Goodnight Miss Hadley".

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