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Steve looked at Mary and nodded to her as she silently let him know that Hadley was ok - to an extent. He'd been on his way to the ranch but had rode back into town as fast as he could knowing that this would end with either Rumlow or himself bleeding out into the dirt. 

He'd hurt her though, and Steve was determined to see that Rumlow paid for laying hands onto Hadley.

"You really think she wants to marry you after this?" Steve said, drawing his pistol. "That she'd wanna take your last name now you've made her bleed? Bruised her face!"

This could only be resolved this way. Fury would only get involved if needed.

It was just the way they did things here.

"Well she ain't marrying you, because you're gonna be spitting bullets". Brock threw back. "We settle this the way we know. Quick draw, nice and easy".

Steve nodded. "Sounds good to me".

With Fury acting as referee and Coulson watching on incase he needed to shoot either one down, the two men began to walk away from one another.

Hadley watched, shaking and crying as she held onto Mary.

Two men would fight and one would possibly die for her. One who she loved and the other who she thought had cared. "Please...he can't do this". She whispered and Johnny now joined her side and watched his brother walking the number of paces.

"He will, and he'll take him down". Johnny smiled lightly

"How do you know?"

Johnny looked at her, "Steve ain't ever missed a shot since he learnt how to use a gun. He's quick but has never shown it to anyone, least of all Rumlow, but he knows what Rumlow will do".

The two men stopped at Fury's command, but then for Hadley, everything began to move in slow motion as she saw Rumlow turn early and aim for Steve's back. Her scream echoing around the silent town as the shot was heard.

Hiding her face in Johnny's chest she began to sob harder, the deafening silence being the only sound around town. A hand went to her shoulder and gently pulled her away from him.

"He can't hurt you no more Had" Steve's voice now sounded and she turned. Seeing him stood there. This made her sob harder and now he took her face in his hands, brushing away the tears with his thumbs and then kissing her deeply. "I'm not letting anyone hurt you again". His fingers traced across the bruise that Rumlow had left on her cheekbone. "Did he hurt you? Force himself on you?"

"No...no I hit him on the head with a pot". She now laughed through her tears. "I thought he'd killed you".

Steve smiled and kissed her again. "The only person is ever let shoot me is you Hadley, if you'll still have me?" He told her knowingly.

"I already gave you my answer last night". She murmured and kissed him deeper. "And I think now the whole town know it as well".

"Let 'em, coz I want everyone to see and know just who my wife is gonna be".

Hadley went to look back at Rumlow's body but Johnny stopped her. "I wouldn't advise it. Let the undertaker or the crows deal with him". Both Rogers brother steering her into the shop so as they could all get cleaned up.

A concerned Sarah was pacing the porch as Steve returned later on, Hadley accompanying him.

"Oh my goodness, I thought you were dead". She now hurried down the steps and began to check her son over to make sure he was ok.

"I'm alright Ma". He told her, Sarah moving onto Hadley and saying that she had an ointment to ease the pain and swelling of her bruise.

"How that man could do that to such a beautiful face? It's a good job you learned all the tricks from your daddy". She told her son, grabbing a bottle and a cloth.

Steve smirked. "Well you're gonna be seeing this face from now on". Looking to Hadley who nodded. "I asked Had to marry me last night, and she said yes".

Sarah dropped the ointment and now launched herself at both Hadley and her son. "Really? Have you really asked her!"

"He did". Hadley smiled

"We need to get everything set up...preparations..." she now began to bustle about, looking to make a list.

"Mom, calm yourself, we have plenty of time".

"Son, in this life? There's never enough time".

Hadley looked to Steve who put his arm around her waist and gently kissed the top of her nose. "And you're certain you'll let me have you?" He asked once more to make sure that she was prepared.

"I think that I've always been yours from the moment we met".

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