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The cracked concrete sidewalk would have been a pain for Morro if he hadn't been a ghost. He walked down each path without any discomfort, except the continuous ranting of Bansha.

"You don't have time for this!" She screeched. "The Preeminence is waiting!"

He glared at her glowing green form. "The Preeminence isn't here. And this is on our way. Remember who's in charge."

She waved her arms and flew in front of him, floating backwards with his pace. "How do you know they're even there? It's dangerous to be out here without possessing the green ninja. You'd at least pass for human."

"That isn't my goal." He reminded her for the thousandth time. "If I brought Lloyd, he'd see what I'm doing. And that would destroy everything I'm working towards."

She crossed her arms as they arrived at a little blue house. "You mean the freedom of the queen."

He stopped, and sneered at Bansha. "Yes, but in case this all goes wrong, I want insurance."

Bansha looked almost curious as she asked, "What kind of insurance?"

Morro frowned. "I'm not supposed to have my elemental power right now, as I was cursed. But If I want to make sure the power stays in my family line, I have to do this."

"Fine, but make it quick." She moved aside and Morro made his way into the house, gliding through the walls. One perk of being a ghost, he didn't need a door to get through a wall. Inside the tiny house were two beds, a small kitchen dining room, and an even smaller bathroom. There was a girl with blonde hair asleep in one bed, and another girl with bright red hair standing by a sink, washing a plate. Morro walked right behind her, and stepped into her. He was a natural at possession, but normally he didn't possess girls. He'd have to make an exception this time.

As soon as he had established a link in their minds, a flood of memory surged through him, all the girl had felt, seen, learned. Her mind didn't give any resistance as he searched through it, which was probably because she was unaware it was happening. When he had finished sorting through each individual memory, he selected one where she was with her mother and father, watching karate on the tv. This was the tricky part, He would have to make a segment of her mind big enough to hold the extra memories he was giving her, with the ones she already had.

When he had made a big enough opening in her mind, he slowly layered each fighting skill he had; punches, kicks, jabs, all the skills she might need later in life. The only thing he left out was Spinjitzu. When he finished that, Morro placed a mental block, pulling a fragment of his own consciousness off to seal the memories in place. He hopped out of the girl, who continued to wash the plate, and slunk out of the house. Bansha was waiting for him, her face covered in impatience and annoyance.

"Have you finished?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes I'm done."

"Good. Your errands are taking too much time." She whisked away, heading back the way they'd come. Morro lagged though, staring back at the house. His grand niece was supposed to have the gift, and if she tried to use it, her mind would be attacking itself. He felt a twinge of concern for her, as she was family, but he knew it would all work out for her in the end. When Preeminence had her way, all Ninjago would be cursed, and if his niece didn't have an elemental gift, she wouldn't be locked up. It was for her own good.

Winds of Change: Eye of the StormWhere stories live. Discover now