Chapter Five

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In a secret location somewhere in Ninjago, eleven people sat around a table. A twelfth man was in the corner, poised to type on his notes.

The eleventh man at the head of the table stood up. "State your name for the minutes, and we will begin."

He sat as the blonde haired man on his right said, "Doc, Research and Science Division."

The woman to Doc's right spoke after him. "Critic, Media and Literature Division."

"Biotic, Medicine and Health Division." Said the man after her. The secretary in the corner clicked his typing, listening to each person as they said their title.

"Tyranny, Government Division." Tyranny stood as she spoke, making sure that people listened to her name.

The next man was looking bored. "Astro, Space Exploration and Geology Division."

"Professor," He glared at Astro. "Education Division."

The first man rapped his knuckles against the table. "Keep the arguing be it silent or vocal for when the meeting starts, Professor." Professor glared at him, but didn't say anything.

"Market, Economics and Business Division."

"Vgo, Arts Division."

"General, Military Division."

"O.A.T, Seagull Division."

The first man again stood up. "Noble, Messenger to the Supremity, and Mediator of the Divisions. This meeting is now called to order. The problem at hand will be outlined by the Research and Science Division, at which point discussion will be opened as to what to do about problem one." Noble sat down and Doc cleared his throat.

"A month ago we were able to successfully acquire Subject One, and with that we were able to test the machine. However, almost a day after the initial test Subject One was... lost. Agents have been sent to apprehend her, but we have had little luck in doing so."

Noble nodded to General, who nodded briskly. "I sent the cleaners to retrieve them, but they too failed. Sorry excuses for our cleaner team."

Noble coughed into his hand and addressed the table. "The first issue here is to discuss the answer to our problem with Subject One. The discussion is now open."

"I ain't surprised you lost 'em." O.A.T said, leaning back in his chair.

General glared at him. "I'd like to see you try, pigeon brain."

O.A.T snorted. "Seagull, General. Seagull. No wonder y'all lost 'em if you can't separate your birds."

"What has already been done?" Tyranny cut in.

"General has sent out the Compass, and also requested that I send in some of my GMHs to help." Doc answered, straightening his hexagon glasses. "I've also recruited several freelance operatives to hunt them down."

"Which they haven't done." General complained as he crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.

Doc glared pointedly at General. "If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted them sent in. If they are so unhelpful then send them back. If not, give them the proper time to plan."

"Why were they sent in?" Market asked. "Surely subject one is not skilled enough to evade the Compass and your GMHs. Not to mention the bounty hunters."

"She is not, at least not yet." Doc agreed. "She is being assisted by a Zigzag." The secretary looked up when he heard the random word. Everyone around the table was nodding their heads like the word fit in the sentence perfectly.

"If she really is being assisted by a traitor there might be more difficulty in securing her." Biotic observed.

"Who is the zigzag?" O.A.T asked.

"My assistant Prodigy." Doc answered.

"That'll complicate things." Vgo said from the corner chair.

"You'd know about complications." Critic muttered from next to Doc.

"Again," Noble spoke. "I remind all of you that arguments and spiteful conversations will not help us. Please, respect the dignity of your positions and keep your annoyances to yourself."

"What is the point of this?!" O.A.T exclaimed angrily. "What are you wanting us to do?"

"O.A.T, don't be stupid." Astro told him, giving Noble and Doc a side glance. "They both already have a plan. This is simply a formality." All the divisions turned to look at Doc and Noble.

There was silence for a few seconds before Doc noted that Noble was waiting for him. "I need approval from each division in order to proceed."

"And what exactly are we approving?" Tyranny asked pointedly.

"World domination." Noble answered. "And the certain death of anyone who stands in the way."

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