Chapter Three

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*Sorry for the late posting.*

Tall buildings rose up around Tempest as they rode into New Ninjago City. Though she had lived her entire life in it, she was still amazed by the height of the skyscrapers and apartments around her. Living in the poor section had not afforded her many opportunities to see the more showy parts of the city. However, that didn't bother her, as now she could see them from the back of the truck she and Prodigy were stowing away on. Her partner seemed much less enthralled by the sights, and looked more paranoid than anything else.

"Prodigy, I think we're fine for now." Tempest gestured around her. "They wouldn't expect us to come here with all the cameras."

He glanced at her once before returning his eyes to their watchful position. "This is why you need me. You're too lax when you think you have nothing to worry about."

"Oh really?" Tempest adjusted her position against a crate of flour. "Who saved us both from the Compass back in Jamanicai village? I did."

He rolled his eyes. "Just go back to sight seeing and I'll worry about any life threatening dangers."

"Well, now you've spoiled it." Tempest crossed her arms. "I can't look at the town while you're nervous about being attacked." Prodigy simply shook his head, and she returned her eyes to their surroundings, this time with a more wary eye. They had been running for over a month now, followed by four crazy agents called the Compass, and any mercenaries the Ruling Shadow could come up with. Not to mention a bunch of other agents that had looked like normal people until they tried attacking Tempest. All of which had to be fended off by Damion, though she was getting better at fighting with the other half's training. It would have been better had she been able to access her wind powers, but there was no attempting that again.

For a while after their discussion the truck drove through the city, stopping only once for a refill of gas. The next time the truck halted, it was because they had arrived at its destination. Prodigy hopped over the side of the bed, and Tempest followed quickly, shrinking to a crouched so that the driver wouldn't see her.

"This way." Prodigy whispered, pointing to their right. Quietly they scampered out of the way of the truck, dashing forward when they had made it completely out of the driver's possible sight.

"Now what?" Tempest asked cheerfully, feeling an abnormal amount of happiness in the face of her return to the city. The last time she had been there, her sister had been alive and living in their tiny house. Though it wasn't the most amazing life, they were always fed and under a roof. The memories were mostly happy, so even though Trish was no longer with her, Tempest felt an unusual ease within the city.

"We should head downtown, to a restaurant. Skylor works there, and should be able to see us." Prodigy answered, adjusting his jacket so the rip wasn't as noticeable. "It shouldn't take us too long if we hurry."

"All right." Tempest stuffed her hands in her pockets and followed by his side. Despite her newfound sense of ease, and despite Prodigy's belief in her indifference, Tempest's nerves were still on edge. There were so many people in the city, and any one of them could be an agent. It was just so exhausting to always be worried about danger, that she often needed to force a nonchalant attitude to keep herself sane.

In an attempt to do just that, Tempest asked, "Have you ever been here before, Prodigy?"

"Yes." He answered. She waited for more, but he said nothing, continuing to weave through sporadic crowds of civilians on the sidewalk. Oftentimes her conversations with him went that way, with her asking a question about his past that went either unanswered, or unexplained. But that was mostly fine, it wasn't wrong to be private. Unfortunately, the more he didn't tell her the more she wanted to know. Where had he grown up? Did he have any family? How exactly had he gotten involved with the Ruling Shadow? It was unlikely that she would get answers to these questions, and that was fine. Just fine.

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