Chapter One

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"Can you do that for me?"

The red ninja looked into the face of his sensei, trying to read his eyes. "Maybe."

Sensei Wu raised an eyebrow. "That is an interesting answer, Kai. I would have thought you would want to go see her."

The ninja crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. "It's not that I don't want to, but I still need to be with my sister, she isn't fully healed. And besides, you could send someone else."

"She wouldn't respond to anyone else." Sensei Wu stroked his beard. "The others may be considered as friends, but you're different."

"I already know that." Kai opened his eyes. "But it's been too long, and I won't leave Nya."

"Now you're just being stubborn." Wu walked over to where Kai was sitting, his pole clomping as he walked. "Are you refusing my order?"

Kai glared, growled, and sighed. "Fine. But I'll be back soon."

Sensei Wu nodded, then froze as if he was listening to something. After a moment he just smiled to himself, then directed his attention back at Kai. "Very well. I'll make sure to have Jay stay with Nya. Though I believe she is tired of you two fussing over her. It might be time to move past it, if you know what I mean."

Kai snorted and got up from the chair, heading to the door. Right before he left, he turned back far enough to see Sensei Wu. "I won't move past it until the person who stabbed my sister through the gut is in jail."

Sensei Wu sighed as his pupil left the room. Revenge was not the way of the ninja, but at least Kai only wanted the culprit in jail. It had been a little over a month since they found Nya, and neither Kai or Jay had left her alone for very long. It would be good for Kai to leave his sister for a while. If only he could get Jay to leave for a bit too, that would be amazing.

Someone cleared their throat from behind him, backing away as he spun around. Standing before him was a man with black hair, and narrowed black eyes. He wore normal attire, but Wu immediately spotted a few concealed weapons, he could not tell if there were more.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?" He asked, lowering his staff towards the guy.

"My name is Rogue, and getting in here was easier than opening a refrigerator." He crossed one arm and held up two fingers with the other hand. "My turn. Where is the wind elementalist, and where was that ninja going? Answer me now."

Sensei Wu snorted slightly. "I am far too old to be intimidated by you. Especially since you are in my home."

"And yet," Rogue started. "I think you should be intimidated because of how old you are. With age comes wisdom, yes. But age also brings fatigue, and frailness."

"Your mind does you credit." Wu took a slow step back, but before his foot could touch the ground, Rogue pulled out a knife and thrust it close against his neck, forcing him to back away farther.

"Now old man," He sneered, pressing the sensei against a wall. "Answer my questions, or I'll slice your throat so fast you can't even blink before you die."

* * *

Meanwhile, outside the monastery Kai called up his dragon, Scorch. Though the actual size of the monastery was small, its courtyard was big enough for all six elemental dragons.

"Where are you going?"

Kai glanced at the nindroid as he climbed on top of the dragon. "Ninjago City. Sensei wants me to run an errand for him."

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