♡Meeting Everyone♡

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♡Third POV♡

Betty Cooper had just started her last year of college and the whole time in college she had been looking for a place to stay

Betty was laying in her crowded dorm scrolling through instagram when she scrolled across her cousin Cheryl Blossom insta

Betty was laying in her crowded dorm scrolling through instagram when she scrolled across her cousin Cheryl Blossom insta

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                  Liked By Forsythe,TinyTopaz and 1,283,494 others 

                 Caption-So me and my crazy roommates are looking for another roommate DM me or if you have my number text me if you would like to move in with me and my annoying ass roommates

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Was it fate Betty thought she sat for a second NAHH

She went to her messages and clicked  on the contact name ♡ Favorite Cousin ♡

And began to text her cousin

♡BabyB:Hey Cher I just saw your insta post about the new roommate and I was wondering if I could move in

♡Favorite  Cousin♡:Give me a sec I gotta ask the roomies 




♡Favorite Cousin♡:So me and the roomies talked and they would love you, you can come over tomorrow to see the place sending the address now 

♡Favorite Cousin♡:*Insert Address*

♡BabyB:Thank you so much Cher Love you

That night Betty went to sleep excited she woke up the next morning and put on some jeans and a croptop she put he hair in a high ponytail

She waited a few hours and decided to head to the place

Bettys POV

I was standing outside Chers home I had just rang the doorbell when the door opened to my cousin she had a red croptop and shorts on 

"Cousin you're here!" Cher said excited we exchanged hugs "Come on in" she said and I did I walked into the home to see people standing

"Everyone this is Betty, Betty these are my well OUR roommates" Cher said after closing the door

"Hey its so nice to meet you I'm Betty" I said and they smiled "Lets get on with the tour shall we" Cher asked and we agreed 

They showed me around while doing that I learned a lot for starters

The room next to mine was three boys one of the boys in the room is Jughead Jones he is 23 years old going 24 and is a writer he is the shy type and as Cheryl said Very much single

Next we have Archie Andrews he is 22 years old he graduated college and has his own gym he is the typical boy next door and is in a love square with Reggie Veronica and Sweetpea they all like Veronica crazy I know

Last but not least Sweetpea he is 24 years old he is your normal gang member he is your normal fuck boy he is in a love square but you already know that and he is a bartender

The room next to the three is Kevin Keller he is 22 and has one more year of college he is becoming a teacher and he is very much GAY he's in a relationship with Fangs

The person he shares a room with is Reggie Mantle he is 23 and a football coach he's your normal player 

and last is a guy named Fangs he is 23 years old and he is a bartender he is also in a relationship with Fangs

The room on the other walls is my cousin Cheryl's she is 23 years old and a entrepreneur she is building her own bar named Cherries On Top

She shares a room with her girlfriend Toni Topaz she is 23 years old and a bar tender she the normal bad girl

I actually share a room with someone her name is Veronica Lodge she is 23 years old and is a fashion designer she is your typical rich bitch she's a daddies girl

After the tour we walked into the living room and they asked me questions and after all the questions they asked me to move in 

I of course said yes I have been packing for the past week I move in next week I'm so excited I can't wait for this big adventure

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