♡The Plan♡

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The Next Day

All you could hear in the apartment that morning was silence for the first time ever it was silent 

Fangs,Toni, and Reggie slept in the boys room that night 

Betty and Cheryl slept in Kevin,Fangs, and Reggie room that night and Veronica slept alone 

Everyone had started to wake up but no one dared to talk I mean they didn't know what to say after last night

Bettys POV

Me and Cheryl had woken up and got dressed when we got done we walked into Kevin room to see him "Morning" we said and he just pushed passed us I look at Cher and she looked worried

We walked out Kevin,Fangs and Reg room into the kitchen to see everyone sitting there well everyone but Kevin and Fangs

Everyone just stood there not saying anything I mean nobody knew what to say or do our best friends just fought like we had never seen before

I decided to break the silence by saying "I'm scared" everyone looked at me "Same" Jughead mumbled and everyone nodded 

"I have never seen Fangs so upset neither have I seen Kevin so upset either" Toni said making us all nod 

I looked at Veronica to see she looked upset "How are you after last night" I asked making everyone look at me "What happened last night" Archie asked "Oh right you guys weren't there" I said

"Kevin yelled at V for saying what she said" I said making everyone look at V, Sweetpea put his arm around her and kissed her head "What are we going to do guys" I asked

"I say we just let it play out" Reggie said making everyone nod "What! No those are our friends we have to do something guys" I said "Their soulmates" I added "What do you expect us to do Betty" Jughead asked looking at me 

"I don't know something" I said "Come on guys Kevin and Fangs are made for each other we can't just sit and do nothing" I said raising my voice "Betty we cant do anything this isn't our relationship" Toni said "Were their best friends we have seen them together and they are PERFECT for each other their high school sweethearts if I'm not wrong" I said

Making everyone look at each other for a second "Shes kinda right guys when Fangs is with Kevin hes the happiest" Sweetpea said and everyone thinks "I think we should mind our own business" Reggie said before walking out

Archie gave me a slight smile before walking out Veronica right behind him making me look at Cheryl and Toni with a look

"I kinda agree with Reggie I'm sorry girl" Toni said before walking out with Cheryl I look at Jughead he squeezed my shoulder before walking out making me look at Sweetpea "What do you think" I asked

"I gotta think about it" Sweetpea said making me roll my eyes and storm into my room slamming the door

I don't get why they wouldn't want to help their friends It's the right thing to do. I decided to just watch Greys anatomy it helps me calm down

Jugheads POV

I was sitting in the living room typing on my computer Toni and Cher were cuddling beside me on their phones while Sweetpea,Reggie, and Archie played video games Veronica was sketching in her book

I couldn't get what Betty was talking about out of my head I mean she is right Kevin and Fangs were made for each other I don't believe in soulmates but they both are an exception for me

"Maybe Betty is right" I said I see everyone shuffled around "Jughead Jones the boy who told us he never believed in love is trying to get his friends together" Toni teased "I'm serious Toni" I said

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