♡School Day♡

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♡Betty's POV♡

I wake up to my alarm making me groan "Shut it off" V groaned I hit it before getting up I rub my eyes before going to my closet and grabbing a few clothes

I go to the bathroom and freshen up after getting ready I walk into the kitchen to see Jughead,Toni,Sweetpea, and Kevin "What are you guys doing up

"Me and Sweets have work" Toni said "I got some errands to run" Jughead said "I unfortunately have school today" Kevin said and I nod

"Can one of you drop me off" I ask "I got you" Kevin said I smiled we all ate "I gotta go I'll see you all later" Jughead said "See you Jug" Toni said and he walked out

"We should be heading out Baby B" Kevin said and I nod grabbing my bag "See you guys" I said and I hear them say a bye before walking out the door with Kevin we got in the car

And he drove to my school "Thanks Kev I'll see you later" I said "You need a ride home" he asked and I nod "I'll see what I can do love you baby B" Kev said and I smile "Love you Kev" I said before getting out

I walked into school to see Emma "Where have you been" she asked. Who is Emma you may ask well shes my best friend of course shes going to be a makeup artist one of these days

This is Emma shes 22 years old and we have been friends since we were 5 

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This is Emma shes 22 years old and we have been friends since we were 5 

"I told you I was moving in with my cousin and her roommates" I said "Right but you haven't texted in years" she said once we started walking I rolled my eyes

"Don't be dramatic Em" I said and she scrunched her nose up "When am I gonna see your new home" she asked "Why not today I can take you after school" I said and she nodded "Okay I'll see you later" I said walking into class "LOVE YOU" she yelled making everyone look at me

I giggle shaking my head before sitting down the professor wasn't here yet which is good so I took out my phone and texted Kevin

♡Baby B♡:Hey Kev my friend is gonna be taking me home no need for the ride

♡Favorite Gay♡:Aww Boo okay B

♡Baby B♡:She wants to meet everyone do you mind setting it up for me :(

♡Favorite Gay♡:OMG I WOULD LOVE TO

♡Favorite Gay♡:I won't let you down Betty LYYYYY HAVE A GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL

♡Baby B♡:Lol I believe in you and you as well ;-;

 I turned off my phone and see the professor walk in class started and I was already over it

A Few Hours Later 

I was standing outside waiting for Em when a boy walks up to me "Hey" he said "Do I know you" I asked "Oh um I'm Glen I'm in your morning class" he said "Betty" I said shaking his hand

"I was wondering if I could get your number" he said "Why would you want my number" I asked "Well I thought you were beautiful and funny and I would love to take you out" he said and I smile I take his phone and put my number in it

"Text me and I might respond" I said and he smiles "I'll see you later" he said "Bye Glen" I said and he walked off 

I see Emma with her mouth open and rushes over "GLEN JUST ASKED YOU OUT" she screamed making me roll my eyes "Don't make it a big deal Em" I said "It is a big deal you finally can get some D" she said and I groan on the way home she kept talking about it

We got out the car and I unlocked I had texted Kevin when we were on the way I opened the door to see the girls and Kevin

"HI" Kevin said making Em jump "Oh uh hi I'm Emma" I'm Kevin this is Veronica,Toni and Cheryl" Kevin said and we walked in to a great smell "The boys went to go get some drinks" Kevin said making us nod 

"So Emma how did you meet my dear cousin" Cheryl asked "We met during elementary when I moved here" Emma said and Cheryl nod

"So are there any hot boys here" Emma asked "Most of them are taken besides Jughead" Veronica said "Aww" she said making us laugh

We all talked for a few when the door opened we looked to see it was the guys as soon as they came in the smell of weed hit our nose "What the hell have you been smoking" Kevin yelled "No" Sweetpea said 

We looked at Jughead and he nodded "We got the drinks though" he said Kevin started coughing "WHAT THE FUCK GUYS" Veronica yelled the guys looked down

Kevin got up "I'm sorry Emma would you excuse me" he said before walking onto the porch V looked at them "Its just a little weed" Sweetpea said "WE HAVE A GUEST" Veronica yelled

The boys looked "I see you boys can party" she said making them smile besides Jughead "I'm Emma" she said fluttering her eyelashes "I'm Sweetpea this is Archie,Reggie,Fangs and Jughead" Sweetpea said and she smiled

"Why don't we go eat" Cheryl said and we all nodded the boys had to go change and spray the house first of course so Kevin can come back and we all sat 

We started to eat I noticed Jughead just pushed his food around "So hows life with all these roommates baby b" Emma asked "Its interesting" I said making everyone laugh and she nodded

"So Emma whats Baby Boop like" Veronica asked "BORING" Emma said making me flick her off "I am not" I said "We haven't been to one college party that's lame Betty" Emma said "You haven't" Kevin asked and I shake my head

"We have to change that Betty boop" Veronica said and I groan making Jughead chuckle I look at him 

Jughead looked pale "Are you alright" I asked and he sat there and nodded "You guys know Betty here is a virgin" Emma asked making me choke on my food everyone besides Jughead look at 

"You're a virgin" Veronica asked making me sigh and nod "Awwwww we gotta get your flower popped Baby B" Kevin said making Cher nod "Are you a virgin Jughead" Emma asked as soon as she asked everyone went white

He looked at her and shook his head no "Woah really you give of virgin" she said "Yeah um anyway Emma are you" Kevin asked and Emma shook her head and started telling us her sex life

After Dinner

I walked Emma to the door "I LOVE YOUR FRIENDS" she yelled making me laugh "I love you I will see you at school tomorrow" she said making me nod she hugged me before walking off I closed the door and sighed and sit on the bean bag 

"Your friend is a lot" Veronica said making everyone nod "That's a lot coming from Veronica" Cheryl said making us nod

"I'm going to bed" Kevin groaned he and Fangs got up and mumbled some nights everyone started getting up and going to their rooms it was just me and Jughead

"I'm gonna hit the hay" I said "Night" he mumbled I stood up I was about to walk away when something stopped me I turned and looked at him

"Are you alright" I asked it looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't "I'm fine" he said "If you need anything I'm next door" I said making him nod I walked into my room and shut my eyes

What a long day...

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