♡The Text♡

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♡Betty's POV♡

It was finally the weekend I was laying in the room watching a movie I had a messy bun and some shorts on

V was sitting at her desk designing for her upcoming fashion in December I couldn't wait to go

Cheryl was in her room working, Kevin was doing Kevin things, Toni and Sweetpea were at work as well as Fangs, Archie and Reggie were in the living and I hadn't seen Jug in a minute

I was just chilling when my phone went off I grabbed my phone it was a text from Unknown 


♡Betty♡:Um who is this

Unknown:Oh uh sorry this is Glen

♡Betty♡:Oh hey Glen whats up

♡Glen♡:Well I was wondering if you I don't know wanted to hang out today

♡Betty♡:Like a date?

♡Glen♡:Well yeah if you aren't busy I was hoping to take you to dinner tonight

♡Betty♡:Oh uh sure what time

♡Glen♡:Maybe 6?

♡Betty♡:Sure I'll see you than


♡Glen♡:Alright I'll see you later Ms Cooper

I look at the time it was only 3pm I'll start at 4:30 I couldn't wait my first date ever was with a hottie 

A Hour Later

I had texted Emma and she was on her way I needed help with the dating since I have never really dated before

I was looking in my closet when the door was pushed open it was Kev,Em, and Cheryl "Don't fear Cherry is here" Cheryl said making me giggle they came in and closed the door

"Whats going on" V asked "Betty here has a date" Cheryl said "OMG REALLY" V asked turning her spinning chair towards me I nod 

"Lets get our girl ready" Em said and they nodded V was doing my outfit Cher was doing my hair Em was doing my makeup and Kev was doing my nails and teaching me how to talk

                                                     MY OUTFIT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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                                                     MY OUTFIT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

                                                     MY OUTFIT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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