♡Moving In♡

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Bettys POV

I was in my room decorating with the girls and Kevin when Jughead came in with another box 

"And that's the last of it" Jughead said as he sat it down "Thank you for helping me with the boxes" I said "No problem sorry the boys were to lazy to help if you guys needed any help I'm just next door" Jughead said

"Thanks Jug" Toni said and Jug nodded before walking out

Me, the girls and Kev started to decorate my side of the room it took a few hours the guys came to hep a few times 

After we got done we walked out of the room into the living room to see Sweetpea,Archie,Fangs and Reggie playing videos while Jughead typed on his rusty computer

"Were finally finished" V said as she sat down on the bean bag Kevin sitting beside her 

"God you had a lot of things cousin" Cheryl said and I nodded "I know I don't know how I kept all that stuff in my small ass dorm" I said now sitting in a couch chair Cher and Toni on the other Toni on Cheryl's lap

We sat there for a minute a silence a comfortable one until V broke it by saying

"I'm bored" the boys look at Veronica then back at the game "Wanna read my prologue" Jughead asked still typing Veronica looked at him shocked

"Really?!" Veronica asked, Jughead nodded "I gotta make a call so yeah" Jughead said now looking at her she nodded her head excited

He handed her his computer before grabbing his phone and walked off and Veronica began to read

She read the story her facial expressions as she read after a few minutes went by and Veronica had a few tears in her eyes Kevin had started to read and he was in tears

"Is it that good" Cheryl asked "ITS BETTER THAN THAT GOOD" Kevin sobbed as he began to read again

Jughead walked back into the room he looked aggravated but it changed when he saw Kev and V face he looked confused

"What's wrong with them" Jughead asked "They're reading your prologue like you said" I said and he rolled his eyes

"My Prologue isn't that good" Jughead said sitting down "Sure it isn't man" Sweetpea said 

After Kev and V finished they handed Jug his computer and were in sobs

"I-I-It was so-so-so GOOD" Kevin sobbed tears going down his face Jughead smiled 

"I didn't think it was that good" Jughead said "ITS BETTER THAN GOOD" Veronica sobbed and Jughead smiled

"Thanks Kev and V" Jughead said "Of course hurry and publish it so we can cry to it Forysthe" V said and Jughead laughed

"Can we do something" Toni asked "We are doing something" Sweetpea said and Toni gave him a look

"Something we can ALL do" Toni said "We can all play we gotta teach first" Sweetpea said and Toni groaned

"You know what she means Sweetpea stop annoying her" Jughead said typing on his computer 

Sweetpea rolled his eyes "What can we do all together" Sweetpea asked "We haven't ate dinner yet why don't we cook together" I offered everyone thought for a second

"I'm down" Archie said "Same" Reggie said "Sure" Fangs said "I'm down" Jughead said 

"Okay I guess" Sweetpea said "Oh my god yes!" Toni said "Ooo family bonding" Cheryl said

"Sure" Kevin said and V nodded so after the guys got done playing the game we walked into the kitchen and started to look to see what we could cook 

"Ugh we need to go shopping" V said and I nodded "Why don't we go to walmart" Cher said "Whos car" I said "I say Kevin's car he has a mom van" Fangs said

Kevin wacked Fangs upside his head making us all laugh than got dressed to go to walmart

After getting dressed we left and got into the car Fangs drove and Kev was in the front behind them was Sweetpea,V and Arch behind them was Reggie who was upset about it

And Cher and Toni behind them was me and Jug 

We drove for a few until we got there we got out and walked in Toni got in the buggy and Cher pushed her V got in her own and Reg pushed her and I got in one 

Jughead pushed, we all started walking around the walmart putting stuff in the buggies and being chaotic

We bought a lot of food and decided to cook Pasta for dinner 

After paying we walked out and when we got to the front about to walk out we saw rain 

"NOOOOOOOOO" V yelled "Ugh we should of just ordered food" Sweetpea said

We all nodded then we got out Jughead picked me up when I tried to get out I smiled and thanked him

"Who ever gets to the car last has to put all the groceries up here and at home" Sweetpea yelled and we all started running

We laughed as we ran to the car unfortunately I lost and had to put the groceries up Jughead actually helped 

And we drove home when we get there me and Jug unloaded the car

And we all started to cook Pasta it was so much we all laughed the whole time and had a food fight but we finished

After finishing we ate than watched Stranger things

Jughead's POV

It was 3AM and I had joke just woke up I felt someone on me making me look to see Betty passed out in my arms I smiled than looked at my friends

Veronica was laying on top of Archie to her sides were Sweetpea and Reggie they were on the floor and were covered up

In the bean bag was Choni they had cover on them and they were cuddling 

on the chair it pulled out into a bed was Kangs and they had cover on them and were cuddled up 

I laid down and laid Betty on my chest not before texting my sister JB goodnight I looked down at Betty and grabbed the cover and covered us up

And smiled then I shut my eyes and went to sleep

Was I falling for Betty Cooper




Nahhhh I don't believe in that stuff

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