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Two Months Later (October Friday)(Betty didn't have classes today)

Bettys POV

I wake up to someone shaking me making me open my eyes to see Glen shirtless and with PJ pants on "Morning" he said with a smile "Morning" I groaned

"How did you sleep" he asked "Pretty good" I said sitting up and he handed me my coffee "I was thinking me and you could go out tonight" he said "I don't know I really wanted a chill day today since I had to work late last night" I said 

"Come on Baby please we haven't been on a date in two weeks" Glen said "I know but I have been so drained Glen" I said he rolled his eyes before grabbing his stuff "Where are you going" I ask "Somewhere" he yelled before storming out 

I cover my face while tearing up "FUCK" I scream before putting my coffee down and laying down I hear the door and look to see Cheryl,Kev, and V "Hey B" V said making me sit up "We heard what happened" Kev said and I felt my eyes swell up making them rush over and hug me

I sobbed into my friends shoulder I know where Glen was coming from but I have been really busy with work and school lately

While crying on V's shoulder I look at the door to see Emma "Cheryl called me" Em said rushing over "If he doesn't care about you being tired than he isn't for you" Em said "But we haven't been on a date in a minute" I said "Elizabeth Cooper you have been busy you can't drop everything to hang out with him if he cares about you he should know that" Cheryl argued

I spent the morning eating ice cream and crying after that I took a nap and woke up to see I was in my room alone making me get up I walk into the living room to see everyone

V,Cher, and Em were doing each other's nails, Kevin was sitting beside Jughead on his phone  Fangs was watching Toni,Sweetpea, Reggie, and Archie play video games and Jughead was on his computer typing away 

"Hey girl" Emma said making everyone but Jughead look at me I mumble a hi "How are you" Veronica asked and I shrug "I don't know" I sighed "Have you talked to Glen" Em asked "Nope I don't know what to do" I said 

"Just give him some space" Kevin said and I hear Fangs laugh making us look at him "Funny how you give advice for 'space'" Fangs said I look at V and she shrugged I sit on the other side of Jughead and lean on him

I watched as he typed on his computer the sound was actually relaxing. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of Jughead typing and Toni,Sweet,Reg, and Arch cursing at the TV


I open my eyes and see everyone had looked at one another "Did you guys order food" I ask "No" they said at the same time "So who's gonna get the door" Reggie asked "NOT IT" We all yelled at the same time touching our nose all of us but Reggie "DAMN IT" Reggie yelled making us all laugh he gave Fangs his controller before getting up and opening the door

"You got some nerve showing up here pretty boy" I hear Reggie say making us all look "Can I please talk to Betty" I hear Glen ask "Hell no you hurt he-" Reggie started "Just let him in Reg" I said "B-" he started "Its fine" I said 

Reggie groaned before moving out the way allowing Glen to come in he had roses and dark chocolate making me scrunch my face up I hear Reg close the door and come back in a sit

Don't get me wrong I liked dark chocolate but he got the worst type and I thought roses were a bit cliche

"What do you want" Em asked "I came to apologize to Betty" Glen said and I stand up and cross my arms "I'm sorry Betty I really am" Glen said I see everyone roll their eyes "Betty I love you and I was upset because I wanted to show you off" Glen said making me smile

I walk over and kiss him "I forgive you" I smiled "I was wondering if you wanted to make this official" Glen said and I nodded making him smile "Uh I have to go but I'll text you" he said "Okay see you BOYFRIEND" I said "See you girlfriend" Glen smiled before handing me my presents and walking out

I smile and lock before coming back to the group they all frowned at me "Betty" Emma sighed "It was one fight" I argued and she shook her had "I'm leaving before I say something I'll regret I'll see you guys later" Emma said before getting up and walking out 

"We just want the best for you B" Kevin said making Fangs laugh "You are commenting a lot on this right now" Fangs said looking at Kevin "She's my friend do you want me to watch her get her heartbroken" Kevin asked making Fangs laugh before handing Reggie the controller and walking to the back 

"What was that about" Veronica asked "Nothing" Kevin sighed before walking to the back we all look at one other "Have they fought like this before" I asked and everyone shook their head no "Kevin and Fangs never argue" Cheryl said

"Its probably just stress" Jughead said making everyone nodded "I'm gonna go do a facial I feel a stress pimple coming in" V sighed before going to the back "I need a smoke break" Archie said "Same" Sweets,Toni and Reg sighed before they all got up and went to the porch 

"I'm gonna go take a nice hot bath" Cheryl said before walking out I look at Jughead "What are you gonna do" I ask "I need to finish the first chapter of my book" Jughead said and I nodded "I'm gonna go watch XO Kitty" I said before skipping to my room

A Hour Later 10:30pm

I was watching XO Kitty when I hear shouting making me pause the show and furrow my eyebrows I look at Veronica who was trying to nap she probably couldn't sleep due to the yelling

She groaned before taking the pillow off her face "IF THEY DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME GET MY DAMN BEAUTY SLEEP" V yelled and sat up she looked at me "They have going at it for a HOUR" V screamed "V stop yelling I'm right here" I said calmly 


She screamed it loud enough the whole apartment probably heard and I assume they did because Kevin and Fangs stopped "V" I sigh and her face dropped she couldn't believe what she had said 

"I didn't mean it" she mumbled "Do you think they heard me" she added and we both got up and creep out the room to see the other roomies outside their room listening we sneak over 

"Maybe V's right" I hear Kevin say "About her beauty sleep" Fangs asked "No about the fact that maybe we should break up" Kevin said I hear Fangs sniff "If that's what you want than fine were done" Fangs said I hear his voice crack

"Fangs wait-" we hear Kevin yell before the door opens making us all stand up and stop Fangs looked at us with tears in his eyes before walking "Fangs" Sweetpea sighed before rushing after him the boys and Toni right behind him me and the girls walk fully into the room

To see Kevin was just staring into the distance with tears in his eyes "Hi baby" Cher said and Kevin just broke down making V rush over she tried to hug him but Kevin pushed her making V eyes widen

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING" Kevin screamed making V eyes widen "I didn't mean to say that Kev I was upset and I took it out on you guys and I'm sorry I'm sure Fangs will understand and you two will work it out" V said and Kevin shook his eyes and tears went down his face

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OKAY ME AND FANGS ARE DONE AND ITS PROBABLY ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR BIG ASS MOUTH" Kevin shouted and V teared up "Kev" V whispered "GET OUT" Kevin yelled pointed to the door

"But-" V started "I SAID GET OUT VERONICA" Kevin screamed making V get up and rushes out with tears in her eyes I have never seen Kevin so mad he's always so chipper

I look at Cheryl and she looks at me we stared at each other for a second before we looked at Kevin he sat on his bed and sobbed making us rush to his aid 

Third POV

Cheryl Blossom didn't want to admit to her cousin that she was scared, scared of what was going to happen to the group. Kevin and Veronica were best friends they never fight and Kevin and Fangs never fought until now would this break the friend group up or could the gang fix Kangs and Keronica if they couldn't what would they do

That night not one but three hearts were broken....

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