♡Sometimes All You Need Are Friends♡

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The Next Day

Bettys POV

I was laying in bed not wanting to face the fact that me and my boyfriend had broken up when the door opened to my room making me look to see Veronica,Kev,Cheryl,Toni,Jug,Archie, Sweets,Fangs, and Reggie 

"Hey Cousin" Cheryl said I just turned away "Baby B talk to us" Kevin said than I feel him sit on the bed making me look at him than burst out into tears making him hug me "I got you" He said hushing me

"Do you need anything Betty" I hear Jughead asked "I have to get my stuff from Glens place today but I don't think I can do it" I said "Don't worry we'll go" Reggie said making me look at all the guys who had the same look on their faces 

"I'll go with them and make sure they don't kill the guy" Toni said making me smile "Thank you guys" I said "Of course Betty we got you" Archie said 

The guys and Toni got up "Boys when we get there don't talk to Glen ignore him" Toni said making the guys nod before walking out with Toni

"While they go get your stuff why don't we do something fun" Kevin said "Like what" I asked sniffing "Why don't we get into PJs and have us a spa day" V said "Really? You guys would do that" I ask 

"Of course we would Betty we love you and we want to be there for you" V said and I nod "Lets have a spa day" I said making Kevin and the girls get up and jump up and down making me laugh before I get up and we all run out the room laughing and dancing

Jugheads POV

We were outside Glens apartment when the door opened to him "Oh look what we got here" he said "Look Glen were just here to get Bettys stuff and go" Toni said making him laugh "She was to much of a coward to come get it herself" he said making me and the guys groan

"Were not leaving until we get Bettys stuff" Toni said making Glen roll his eyes and move out the way allowing us to walk in "Her stuff is in bags on my bed" Glen said making us walk to the back to see a few bags 

We walk over to the bags and start grabbing her stuff "So how is she" he asked we just ignored him and continued to grab her stuff "You're ignoring me huh" he said "You know I'm kinda glad me and Betty are over she was to pure for me if you know what I mean" Glen said making my blood boil how could Betty date a guy like this

"Ready?" Toni asked after we got all of Bettys stuff making all of us nod before we started heading out the door "I hope you know Betty will never love you" Glen said making me stop "You'll always be her best friend" he said "And you'll always be the coward who couldn't deal with the fact his girlfriend has friends" I said before walking out with the guys and Toni

Bettys POV

I plopped down on the couch next to V and leaned on her smiling at the day I just had "Best spa day ever" I said before I sat up and put the cucumbers on my eyes "Agreed" Kev, V and Cher said in union

A few minutes went by and I heard the door open make me take the cucumbers off and look at the door to see the guys and Toni "You're back!" I said and they all nodded before walking to the back than coming back 

"So how was it" I asked making them all make a face "It was something" Jug said before sitting on the bean bag with Toni "Thank you guys so much" I said "Of course Betty we're here for you" Reggie said and I smile at my friends "You guys really are the best" I said "We love you too Betty" Toni said and I smile

We all sat there for awhile when we decided to cook something, so we decided to get up and walk into the kitchen and look to see what we could cook "mac and cheese" Sweets asked "no I'm sick of that" Kev said 

I look in the fridge "Guys we don't have anything" I said  "We really need to go shopping" Toni said making us nod

"So what are we going to eat" Kev asked and we all looking at each other "We have burgers" I said making the group look at each other  "I saw some potatoes I can cut them up to make fries" Jug said and we all nod "Lets do it" Toni said and we got to work 

I was cutting up potatoes with jug while Toni cooked the burgers with Sweets and Kev, V and Cheryl made lemonade and Archie and Reggie set the table

While me and Jug were cutting potatoes I start to think what Glen said "Hey you good" Jug asked and I looked at him "OH uh yeah I'm good" I said and Jug nodded 

I was about to say some to Jug when his phone went off making him look and I noticed his face dropped he just stared at his phone

"You good?" I asked and he nodded before he turned back to the potatoes and the phone stopped going off 

After awhile we all got done cooking and sat at the table and we all started to dig in "Oh gosh this is so good" Toni said and the guys nodded "Why don't we make burgers often" Kev asked "We don't have burgers money" Jug said and we all nodded 

"You guys" I said making everyone look at me "I just want to thank you guys so much for being there for me during this break up I don't know what I would do without you guys you are really the best friends a girl could ask for" I said "Aw Betty Boop we love you" Kev said and everyone nods "Of course Betty we care about you" Arch said and I smile

After eating we all went into the living room and sat and watched movies while watching Heathers for the 100th time when Jugs phone went off making him get up and excuse himself outside on the porch 

I always wondered who was always calling Jug I mean his phone was always going off 

Jugheads POV

I walked outside on the porch looking at the contact name Riverdale Police Department I knew I had to answer it so I did 

"Hello" the person on the other end said I knew the person there voice was something I knew and it was a voice I couldn't forget 

I stood there not able to speak I mean what was I supposed to say I haven't talked to my father in years  

"Jughead boy can you hear me" he asked and once again I was silent I took the phone away from ear and I hung up I couldn't speak to him or at all at the moment

All I could do was think about the girls God why was he calling me I mean he's in jail whatever he wants couldn't be good I mean I feel like I know my father but did I really 

I couldn't stop thinking so I called the one person who could calm me down 

The phone rang once when she answered the phone "Hello" a tired Faith said "Hey sorry for calling so late" I said "Its fine uh what's up" Faith said I could tell she was exhausted "You know what never mind we can talk later" I said about to hang up

"Hey no no no I'm up Whats wrong Juggie" Faith said and I sigh "He called again" I said "Who" Faith asked "Fp" I said and it was silent for a good minute "What did he want" Faith asked "I don't know I couldn't talk I keep freezing up I don't know why" I said "Its okay Jug I get it" Faith said 

"He probably doesn't want anything important" Faith said "I don't think that's true Faith I mean he wouldn't call TWICE if It wasn't important" I said "Jug don't let FP ruin what you have good okay your book is almost here and you have a good life over there don't let Riverdale ruin that okay when you left you said you wouldn't turn around and that's what's going to happen you hear me" Faith said and I sigh "Yes" I said

"Juggie go enjoy your life okay we can worry about being a Jones tomorrow but right now just be a human Faith said and I smile "Thank you Faith" I said "Yeah Yeah now go Forsythe" she said "I love you" I said "Love you too ugly" Faith said before hanging up and I smile before I walked back into the house and sat back down beside Betty

"Hey you alright" Betty whispered and I nod "I'll be alright" I said and she smiled before she laid her head on my shoulder 

I just wish I could get FP out of my head but I couldn't I mean why would he call me we haven't talked since I left Riverdale and never turned back. I know Faith said don't let FP get to me but its hard I mean he's my dad and I haven't said that in years but I cant fight the truth and I just want to know so I can finally forget FP and focus on my book than it will be published and I'll have money to fly the girls here.

God why does it have to be me I just want to turn my brain off for the night....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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