♡Job Shopping♡

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♡Betty's POV♡

I wake up to a warmth feeling on me making me snuggle into my pillow until I felt it move making me open my eyes 

I look around to see my friends passed out and I look to see I was laying on Jug I groaned

And grabbed my phone to see it was 11PM I rub my eyes and hear someone move making me look to see it was Kevin

He looked around before rubbing his eyes "Guys get up" Kevin groaned no one moved so he grabbed a pillow off the floor

And threw it at Veronica "OW" Veronica yelled "Shut up rich bitch" Cher groaned "Get up you whores" Kevin said

"Why" Cher groaned "Because we can't sleep all day" kevin groaned and the girls groaned "Shut the hell up!" Sweetpea yelled

"Get your ass up" Kevin yelled now getting up making Fangs groan "Baby come back to bed" he moaned 

"We got to get up Fangs" Kevin said and he groaned "Five more minutes" Toni groaned "GET UP" Kevin yelled making everyone sit up but Jughead

He just took out his phone and started texting someone we all got up and got dressed

After I got done getting ready I walked out the room into the kitchen/Dining room to see everyone eating but Jug he wasn't in the room

"Okay so the mission is to get Betty a job nothing else got it SWEETPEA" Kevin said looking at Sweetpea "Piss off" Sweetpea said making Kev roll his eyes

We all ate while eating Jughead joined us after eating

"Sorry I had to call someone" Jughead said "You make a lot of calls" Kevin said taking a sip of his tea "Boundaries Kevin" Toni said grabbing Jugheads plate and handing it to him

"So what are we doing today" Jug asked after thanking Toni and sitting down "Job hunting for Betty" Cheryl said and Jughead nodded "What do you go to school for again" Jug ask 

"Directing I would love to direct my own movies I just love the thrill to see what happened's behind the camera" I said and Jughead nodded 

"Why not the movie theater first" Jug offered "Okay Kevin car again" Toni asked "Why my car I need gas in it anyway" Kevin said

"Because you have a mom van" Sweetpea said making us laugh "Shut up!" Kevin said crossing his arms and Fangs wrapped his around Kevin

"We can ride in separate cars" Toni said "Gas is expensive babe" Kevin said and we all nodded "Okay lets ride in my van" he added than we were out the door

we all got in the car and sat how we were before but Choni sat with me and Jug this time we were all sitting on our phones when Toni broke the silence by saying

"So Betty why didn't you wanna stay in your dorm" I look up "It had like four or five girls and I had no privacy" I said and she nodded

"Now you have less privacy" Toni said "At least I have one roomie" I said and she nodded 

"I think you're gonna be a big edition" Toni said "In a good way I hope" I said "Of course we already love you girl" Toni said and I smile

Than Jugheads phone went off and he groaned he answered it "Hello" he asked and than started to argue with the person on the other line we were on our phones

When the car stopped I look we were at a gas station Kevin got out "I gotta piss" Sweetpea said "Why didn't you pee at home" Toni asked "I didn't have to pee than" he said Toni rolled her eys

"Come with me Jones" Sweetpea asked and Jughead hung up on the person "Yeah come on" Jug said he and Sweetpea got out the car Archie and Reggie went along with "So Betty Boop whoa" Veronica said poking her head from the top of the seat 

I look at her and smile "Who is Betty Cooper" Veronica asked "Um a college student" I said it was more of a question "You dating anyone" Veronica "No" I said "We have got to change that" Veronica said and I smiled 

Kevin got back in the car and the guys came back and Veronica sat down and we started to drive once again the next time we stopped was in front of a movie theater we all got up and walked to the front 

It was a girl at front desk "Jughead Jones and his crew" she said I studied her she was pale and had blonde hair a girl was be said her she was born with nice curly hair she had a smirk on her face

"Jessica" Jughead mumbled "You haven't called me in a minute" she said "Been busy" he said and she smiled "Whos the blonde" another girl said "Tabitha this is Betty Cooper, Betty this is Tabitha Tate" Jughead said 

"You must be the new roommate I heard about" Tabitha asked and I nod she smiled "So what you doing here crew here to watch a movie" Tabitha asked "Were here to get Betty a job" Toni said 

Tabitha smirked and I signed a few papers and they told me I started next week we went home and all just went to do our own thing

I was sitting in my room at my desk tomorrow was Monday and I had to start school back again I had been doing online for awhile due to the moving and stuff

I couldn't wait until winter break it was in a few months sad to say it was only September I was reading one of my text books

Veronica was on her phone shopping when I heard yelling It sounded like Jughead I look to see Veronica was unbothered "Whats that about" I asked she shrugged "Jughead doesn't talk about his home life hes always arguing on his phone with someone" Veronica said 

A few minutes went by I went out of my room and into the living room to see Cheryl and Toni cuddling on their phones, Sweetpea Archie and Reggie playing video games, and Kev and V gossiping I saw Jughead on the porch smoking Fangs was smoking with him

"You guys can we do something I'm bored" I said and everyone looked at me and went by to what they were doing I sat down and started using my phone when I phone started to ring we all looked to see it was Jugheads 

Toni grabbed it and knocked on the porch door and showed it to him he grabbed it and Fangs came in "Ew you smell" Kevin said when Fangs sat down he flicked him off making everyone laugh when Kevin threw a pillow at him 

I heard Jughead yell making me look he looked upset "Has anyone ever asked who he was talking to" I asked making everyone look at me "No he wouldn't tell us so why ask" Toni said 

And I nod I saw Jughead hang up and sit down he looked stressed he got up and walked in "You alright" I asked I heard him mumble some words before walking to the back he came back with his jacket

"Where you going" Toni asked "On a drive" Jughead said making everyone look "Be careful and can you bring us some food home "Veronica responded "Yeah I'll text you" he said before walking out

A few hours went by we ate and I went into my room next thing I remember was passing out

I had school tomorrow I was not excited about it ugh

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