Chapter 1

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" Hannah I can't wait for this concert "

Yup, that's me, hi my name is Maria, I'm a big fan of the Janoskians and they never come down were I live at. I live in a small state that usually people never come to visit for like a vacation, little old Pennsylvania, our state is mostly about history and who wants to go on vacation just to watch history facts, am I right.

Me and my best friend Hannah are
going to the concert that the Janoskians are performing in, she isn't a big fan of them but I'm making her go just cause I don't want to feel like a loner.

" Hannah are you ready! " I yell in excitement, she doesn't even know there name really.

" Yea, I guess so, the sooner we get this over, the sooner I get to watch Netflix " she is such I motivator. I go to my room to put on a my only dirty pig sweatshirt I have and black ripped up like jeans and my all black converse.

I yell to my dad to drop us off at the front gate, when he does me and Hannah run over to get our tickets punched out and go in the stadium or theater I really don't know what it is.

" I don't think I can handle all this " I tell Hannah. " what do you mean? " she said.

" I don't know, I'm beginning to get really dizzy " and before you know It I faint. just great the show didn't even start yet and I faint!

I woke up with my head throbbing of pain and open my eyes and see Hannah with a worried face.

" OMG your up, thank god " she yells, the doctor looks at me and tells me I should get some rest.

While me and Hannah were leaving the front door to go meet up with my dad to take us home we get stopped my a women yelling for us to stop, so we just stopped cause we thought we were in trouble for some reason.

" Hello, my name is Mrs. Wilson, I'm the Janoksians manager " I was completely shocked that she came up to us. " hi, I'm Maria and this is Hannah my best friend " I say in a confused voice.

" I heard you fainted before the show started " oh great now the whole world knows I fainted before the show, nice going Maria.

" Yeah, that was me " I say to her. She says " quick question, how old are you two "

I say my age " I'm 17 and a half " even though I just turned 17 whoops. Hannah says " just turned 18 like a month ago "

" You girls are perfect " Mrs. Wilson says in excitement. "perfect for what" i say confused. " I love both of your girls style, and you both are really beautiful, so how would you girls like to kind of be one of the boys on screen girlfriends "

" On screen girlfriend? " Hannah says since she really doesn't know the guys anyways.

" Look, Jai is really having a tough time right now and we need to get some attention off of him, and also for Beau, usually he is the center of attention and we would like for the other boys to shine too so a girlfriend would be perfect " she tells us.

Hannah says " wait so want us to forcefully date them? " and Mrs. Wilson quickly chimes in " well no, that's why I said on screen girlfriend, you guys don't actually have to date them but for the fans they have to think you actually are "

" I don't know I have to think about this " I say to her. which is weird since I am a huge fan of them.

" Well, I need a answer by tomorrow, if not we will just go to another place and find another girl " Mrs. Wilson tells us while handing us a card with her number on it " I need to know by 3pm sharp "


At home since Hannah is sleeping over I ask her if we should do this cause this is a big deal.

" I think we should cause then we get to travel and meet new people and you know how much I love traveling " she says. " yeah, I mean I really want too, but what about my family " I say to her. " I'll just think about it tomorrow morning " I say while going to bed.

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