I'm sorry

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Carlos rubbed his eyes, trying to come to his senses about the fact he had killed Lewis. A few shaky breaths left his mouth, he placed his head in his hands and held in some sobs. He was sure Seb would kill him, even if he had saved everyone's lives. It hurt to know you were the reason other people were mourning. His heart throbbed and Lando rested his hand on the Spaniard's shoulder. He glanced up and tried to mask his sadness and anger at himself. A sigh escaped him.
"So, how did he die?" Lando carelessly asked, not really being much help.
"Lance took a chunk out of his neck and bit him a couple of times, I shot him in the chest before he could turn." Carlos murmured, his voice dark and blunt.
"Sounds brutal. I'm sure Seb will be alright, I don't think he will be mad at you!" The Brit smiled weakly, trying to be just a bit of help but he had a tendency to be hopeless in emotionally driven situations.
"I hope so also." Carlos grumbled. But he was cut off as Seb stormed in, tears flooding the man's face and an angry expression on it too. He prepared to be slapped and stood up, being met with a punch to the face. He stumbled backward and held his jaw, frowning. A bruise would definitely come up later on. The bad thing was that he had taken his helmet off minutes eaelir so the punches actually hurt.
"SEB! Stop it!" Mick interrupted and stood between the two, pushing the other German away from the Spaniard, "What is wrong with you?! He saved our lives before Lewis would turn!" He snapped, glaring at his friend. Seb flipped his visor down and left the room again. Refusing to elaborate. Charles would keep an eye on the German Aston Martin driver.

Carlos groaned, a cold pack of peas being pressed to his jaw. It had began to swell up now.
"Ow, stop pressing it!" He blurted out at Lando who kept trying to get 'a closer look'. Grumbling, he just begged Seb wouldn't stay mad at him or at least have some sense talked into him.

// a bit small but not sure what to write //

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