Find Shelter

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Carlos sat in the back, he felt drops of rain on his hands as he tried to move into the safety of the car. He didn't feel safe on the outside, clinging on the back of a land rover. He hummed smooth operator quietly, keeping himself calm in his own way. The Spaniard looked around, he was clinging onto a blood stained truck. He couldn't get into the actual car because there was no room. Suddenly, a hand grabbed onto the back on the landrover, a bruised and half eaten hand. Carlos let out a loud scream and began to bang on the back of the car.
"CHICOS LET ME THE FUCK IN!" He yelled as a second bloodied hand grabbed on.

Seb looked out the back of the car to see Carlos banging on it screaming for help.
Pierre slammed on the brakes and looked out to see what was going on. Lando grabbed a knife and climbed out of the car, turning the corner to see Alonso in zombie form trying to attack Carlos. He threw the knife at the guy's head, hurling the already dead Fernando to the floor. The Brit walked over and took the knife out of his skull. Mick frowned as he climbed out to look as well.
"Are you OK, Carlos?" Lando asked the shaken up man.
"Y-- Yeah. I'm alright..." He stammered, looking quite shaken after that.
Pierre let the three fit in the car before driving off towards the shelter. When they made it, it looked quite small and camouflaged. A person came outside and showed them where to park the car. Pierre parked it before getting out and helping Charles, who had vomited on the window, get out. Seb and Max got Daniel out of the car and Mick, Lando and Carlos just walked inside as quickly as possible. Mick still had a few knife wounds that needed proper cleaning up so he went to the medic. Seb and Max had to carry Daniel there, they got lots of weird looks from other survivors but the medics were pretty accepting and recognised it was not a zombie infection almost immediately.

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