Tony Eagle Contest

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 Once you your sister and your mom get home you went straight upstairs to your bedroom and collapsed on your bed. "I got a Night Guard job damn I got to go to sleeps early again well at least I'm making some money but I better get some sleep I'm so tired."You thought to yourself. You got up and went to your dresser and grab a pair of shorts and changed into them. Once you was changed you just jumped into bed and fell asleep.

"Hey [Name] wake up! Felix is here!" Your sister yelled to wake you up. You get up and remember you and Felix was supposed to meet at the skate park at 1:00pm. You look at the clock and saw it was 1:47pm. You jump out of bed and quickly get dressed. Then Felix comes upstairs and says "Bro we was supposed to meet at the skate park at 1:00 and its 1:48. Just get dressed and we could probably still try to get into the contest." You was dressed and you told Felix "Go Down stairs I will be right behind you." Felix nodded and went down stairs and out the door. You go to your closet and grab your skateboard and run down stairs and put on your shoes then you went outside. "Come one [Name]!" Felix yelled skating down the sidewalk. You jumped on your board and skated after Felix. Once you caught up you guys was almost to the skate park. "[Name] what time is it?" Felix asked. You looked at your watch and saw it was 1:58. You jumped off your board and ran past Felix yelled "Just run we only got two minutes!" Felix jumped off his board and grabbed it and ran after you. You guys got to the sign-up desk. "Can we still sign up for the Tony Eagle Skate contest?" Felix asked. "Yea you can. You bros got here just in time to." The man said. "Thank god" You said. Once you and Felix was signed up you went to sit at the contestants stands. "That was a close one right [Name]?" Felix asked. "Yea. Oh did you know I have a job now?" You asked Felix. "You have a job where do you work?" Felix asked back. "Freddy Fazbear—""Wait you work at Freddy's Oh my God. What are you a waiter?" Felix laughed while intruding you. "No I'm a night guard." You said "Wait aren't you a little young to be a night guard?" He assumed. "No my mom said it was alright for me to work there." You said. "Oh okay that works I guess." Felix said in confusion.

"Look its Kelly. She entered this contest?" You asked Felix. "I guess she is a good skater so yea and why would you ask if she entered if you skating right now on the contest property. Bro you dumb sometimes. "Felix said. "Oh and you have room to talk." You said while punching his shoulder. Once Kelly finished her run she came over to you two and said "Oh you two finally made it I thought you wasn't coming. But did you like me run?" Kelly asked and sat down near you two. "Uh it was awesome." You said nervously. "What you think of it Felix?" She asked Felix. "I could do way better." Felix said jealously. "No you can't but [Name] could." Kelly said with a chuckle and got up and walked away. "She's is such a stick up." Felix said. "But she's hot thought." You said while hurrying up to cover your mouth. "Wait what did you say?" Felix asked in suspicions. "I-I said s-she is an s-stuck up." You choked up. "No. You called her hot I got to tell her." Felix said while jumping up and running to her to tell her. "FELIX NO!" You yelled but it did no good. You saw Felix walking over to you with a red mark shaped as a hand across his face. You laughed and asked him "What happened to you?" "I don't want to talk about it." He said in a mad way. "Karma man karma hit you fast." You said while holding in a laugh. You two waited a while and finally you heard the announcer said "Up next Felix Henderson Come on bro it's you run." "Oh OK [Name] wish me luck." Felix said. You just nodded. Once Felix was not watching Kelly came over to you. "Hey [Name]." Kelly said. "Oh God what do I do uh. Just go along with what she says yeah." You thought to yourself. "Earth to [Name]." Kelly said trying to get your attention. "Sorry I was thinking." You said. "Oh okay but was what Felix said to me true?" Kelly asked. "Uh what did he say?" You asked. "He said you liked me." Kelly said while blushing. "Oh um uh well—." "Ok [Name] it's your run come on let see if you could not fail as bad as the last guy did." The announcer said while insuring you and Kelly conversation. "Wait what Felix failed." You said while seeing Felix being carried out on a carney. You and Kelly ran over to Felix. "Felix Bro you okay." You said. "Sorry kid he took quiet a fall he is going to be out for a while but if I was you I'd get back to the Contest." The Paramedic said. You nodded and ran back to the contest but being stopped by Kelly. "I will go with him you just try and win." Kelly said. "Yes." You said.

"Hey kid get up here you run is starting." The announcer said. You climbed up on the Ramp once you was in position the clock counted 3, 2, 1 and the buzzer went off and so did you. Two minutes past and your run was up and the judges scores you 26, 30, and 45 which put you in first replacing Kelly because she for fitted the match to go with Felix but there was one more contestant left and he tied with you. Which meant you two had to take it to the Pool and do a match to see who got the final score. Ten minutes passed and the other skater was ahead of you so you pulled out your ultimate trick the 720 Nose Spin which was the hardest move you ever completed but you did it before and you can do it again so to stopped in place then you kick flipped while standing and kicked the nose of your board down and jumped on the trunks and wheels and forced your body around 720 degrees and then kicked the tail of the board down and landed it. The crowded clapped and shout at you amazing move the buzzer went off and the scores was tallied up to the other skater being the winner. "Here's your First annual Tony Eagle's Contest winner Chris Nelson. His prize is 5'000 dollars and being able to meeting Tony Eagle." The announcer said. "Thanks Nice try [Name] but I was the better skater." Chris said. You just walked away and made your way back home and asked your mom if you could go see Felix in the hospital not knowing it was 10:00pm. She agreed and you both got in the car and she drove you to the hospital. You got out of the car and she drove away. You ran into the hospital door and went to the front desk and asked the nurse where is Felix Henderson. She looked at her computer and said in room 456 on the 2nd floor. You nodded your head and made your way to the elevator. You entered the elevator and press the number two bottom. Once you was on the 2nd floor you ran to room 456 and opened the door running into Kelly. "Watch YOURSELF... Oh [Name] sorry Felix is over there I Have to go to the restroom." She said while trying not to blush. "Felix you okay bro?" You asked "Yea but did you win?" Felix asked "Uh Sorry Felix I didn't I even whipped out the 720 Nose Spin and it didn't even work." You said. "It's fine at least you try... Even the 720 didn't work it always works." Felix said. "But what caused this to happen?" You asked. "You would of saw it if you was watching but instead you staring at Kelly. But whatever. Well I was trying to do a 360n Tail Spin in the air and someone threw an Empty Energy Drink bottle at me and I failed the trick I fell on my arm and broke it the shock made me fall blackout." Felix explained. "Dang that must hurt." You said. "What time you have to be at work [Name]?" Felix asked "11:00 why? OH MY GOD." You said and look at your watch. "GO you don't want to be late on your first day." Felix said. You nodded and Ran at the door running into Kelly again. "Ow [Name]! Wait where you going?" Kelly asked. "Talk to you later!" You Yelled and ran down the hallway.

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