Fixed By a Hack

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(This will proably be the longest Chapter you will ever read in this book so You have been warned)

Once you two was in the car and about half way to the Pizzeria you notice Jeremys car in front of The door, blocking it. You noticed he didn't block the exit, but it was locked. "The vents, if I could crawl through them, I could get in?" You thought. You climbed up on the roof, and found the ventilation system. you crawled in it, and ended up backstage. you saw Freddy's switch was still broken. you sneaked around Freddy, but he still caught you " Why don't you have a suit on?" Dang it! Can't let him put me in a suit to!  You thought. Then your phone rang. Mr. Faz? How does he know my number? Anyway, I Better answer. You thought as you put the phone on speaker. "Mr. [Last Name]. Where are you?" Mr. Faz asked. "I'm in the restaurant. Jeremy I think he is dead." You replied. "How did this happen. What was he doing?!" Mr. Faz Yelled into the phone. "I think your animatronics did this." You whispered while hiding in the Boy's bathroom. " Wait I hear Freddy walking down the hall be quiet Mr. Faz" You said as Freddy went to the girl's bathroom. He opened a stall and he stayed there for awhile. Mr. Faz hung up on you, and you were all alone, in the dark, convinced Jeremy was dead. That the same moment he came in and is dragging you down the hall. No Not like this...Wait Thats when you remembered, The animatronics like kids, and you are still a minor. You screamed, and foxy came chasing after you and 'Freddy'. [screeeeeeeeech]  God foxy, why? You thought. "Foxy, help me out here!" Foxy then tackled Freddy, setting you free. You ran back to the bathroom, to hide until 6 am. Its only 2:am! You then ran into the Girl's bathroom. Freddy was still there. Two Freddys? You ran out to Foxy. "Foxy, wait." you Discovered Jeremy, in the suit, knocked out. You dragged him in the Boy's Bathroom and locked the door, turned on the light and poured cold water on his face. "5:57, three more minutes, come on, Jeremy we don't have time for this!" He woke up at exactly 6:00 am. You guys had to climb back up the vents, and Mr. Faz was Flipping out. " WHY IS JEREMY'S CAR, BLOCKING THE DOOR!!!" Mr. Faz Yelled. Jeremy was still dizzy, from Foxy pouncing on him. "Mr. Faz I don't even know why Jeremys car is blocking the door." "So these animatronics wouldn't escape" He said as he tripped on his face. "We need to find a way to get him down." Kelly said walking up behind you. "Well I have a idea." You said and started walking over to the wall. You climb back up on the roof. "What are you doing [Name]?" Jeremy asked. You walk up behind Jeremy and push him off the roof. "AHHH!" ~Thump~ Jeremy fell in a dumpster. "Oh that worked. But why did you do it?" Jeremy asked. "It was payback for dragging me across that dirty greasy floor and for scaring me. So we are even." You said. You climbed back down. "So what exactly happened in there?" Mr. Faz asked. "Well animatronics tried to kill Jeremy. And you are probably wondering why they was after Jeremy and not me. Well I'm still a minor. And the animatronics like kids." You said. "Oh well then. Atleast you guys are safe but does this mean I have to close down the pizzeria?" Mr. Faz asked. "No we just need a tech guy and I have one." Kelly said. "Who?" Mr. Faz asked. You went to grab your phone out of your pocket to see your phone was broke. "No! My phone!" You yell. "I will call him [Name]." Kelly said and pulled out her phone.


Hey Felix its Kelly we need you now.

Kelly oh why you need me?

Just get down here to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza NOW!

Fine I'm coming.

"He is coming now." Kelly said hung up her phone. "Okay." You said.-About 10 minutes later-Felix walked up to you 4. "What did you need?" Felix said. "We need you to fix the animatronics they are glitching like crazy." You said. "I can probably do it." Felix said "Just they need to be shut down." "Well, obviously Jeremy can't do that. Last time, he scared the crap out of me dressing up as Freddy, and Foxy nailed him." You said. " (hysterical laughs)  Rule #3 heh heh!" Said Jeremy. You punched him in the shoulder, but that made him laugh even more. "Well I can maybe turn them off but Freddy his switch is broke someone might have to hack him." Mr. Faz said. "But isn't the animatronics voice recognition?" Jeremy asked. "If they wasn't glitching yes." Mr. Faz replied.  "Just have Foxy tackle him. You should have seen what he did to Jeremy." You said. "Well remember Foxy will only really help minors." Mr. Faz said. "He was friends with Mike and Mike wasn't a minor. And anyway, I am a minor." You said. "I remember when Foxy used to just leap at me and almost kill me good times good times." Jeremy said while lighting a cigarette. "Well lets try this Jeremy move your car" He jumped in his car and moved it. "Okay I will unlocked the doors." Mr. Faz said.

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