'Schools out'

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The bell had rung and school was officially out for the summer. Papers flew in the air as kids threw them. Textbooks piled on the teachers desk. Everybody yelling and running out of the school.
Meg grabbed Vance's wrist and pulled him to Griffins classroom. Griffin hated being surrounded by kids. He was crazily overwhelmed. Meg peeked her head in the classroom to see Griffin slowly packing up. She motioned for him to come and hurry up. Vance leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Griffin walked over and handed Meg his backpack. Meg looked at Vance and rolled her eyes. "Save it." She said pushing Griffs back pack to Vance's chest.

They began to walk down the empty hallway.
"This summer is going to be the best summer ever. We have to make it the best summer, we're going to sophomore year." Meg said excited. She looked at Vance, "well I'm going into sophmore this year." She said smiling obnoxiously.
"It's not my fault Mr. Johnson talks to fast!" Vance said shoving his shoulder, pushing Meg into a locker. She brushed herself off. They walked down the steps in front of the school and headed to the Grab N Go.

Vance immediately went to the pinball machine and Meg and Griffin went to the candy.
Meg got skittles and a coke. Griffin got gummy bears and a coke. Meg knew Vance would want something so she picked him some candy cigarettes. He loved those things. They went up to the cash register and scattered their food out.
"That will be 6.50." The depressing women said. Meg counted out her cash and handed it to the lady and grabbed her food.

"Vance is going to take forever, so if you want to go home I'll meet you there after." Meg said to Griffin. "If anyone tries to hurt you kick em' in the balls and run." Meg said walking over to the pinball machine. "Bye see you in a bit." She said as she leaned against the wall the machine was on. "Vance can you hurry up." She says crossing her arms.
"I'm going to beat my score, shut up dipshit."
"Fuck face." She says snapping back.
"You're lucky you're a girl." He said focusing on his pinball game.
"If you were to hit me, you would apologize right away." Meg said eating her skittles. "Oh Margret, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" she said mocking Vance. "Oh come here I'm sorry." She walks behind Vance and gives him a hug, wrapping her arms around his waist mocking him. He moved his shoulder trying to get her off him. "I'm going to leave you here." She said grabbing her skittles.
"Ughh come on Vance," she says grabbing his wrist pulling him out of the store. He pulls his wrist out of her grip and begins to walk towards his house.
"Give me some skittles." He said holding his hand out.
"No, I got you candy cigarettes." She said handing it to him. He opened the packet and pretended to smoke. He put his hand in her back pocket of her bell bottoms. "I have a date tomorrow night." Vance turned his head quickly.
"With who?"
"Bruce." Meg said smiling.
"Bruce? Are you kidding me Bruce Yamada. He's that punk ass baseball player." Vance said irritated.
"He seems sweet, we're going to the drive in tomorrow night." Meg shrugs.
"He's just wants to hook up with you."
"No he doesn't. Why would you say that?"
"I mean look at you, you look like an hour glass and look at your ass." He said said raising his voice.
Meg shoved him, "don't look at my ass and get your hand out of my pocket." She says looking forward.
"No." He keeps his hand in her pocket.
"Why are you jealous?" Meg snaps back at him.
"No why would I be jealous?" He scoffs. "Just don't come crying back to me if he does." He shrugged.
"Mhmm." She nodded. "Griff is at home and I'm going to your house so I'm gonna have to use your phone."
"He's fine, he would know where you are anyway." Vance whined.
"Whatever." They continued walking and finally made it to his house.
"Race you." Meg said grabbing her backpack strap. Meg ran and Vance followed. The jingle of their backpacks made a lot of noise. Meg ran and swung open the door shutting it behind her, well at least she tried to.
Vance caught the door behind her, "you mother fucker." He scoffed and swung it shut behind him. Meg ran up the stairs with Vance close behind her. She burst through and jumped on his bed. He ran in and tackled her.
"I won." She rubbed it in his face. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Her legs flailed as she began to laugh. "Put my down!" He threw her back on the bed and plopped down next to her. She giggled. "Am I that heavy or are you just weak?"
"Neither." He said laying next to her.
Meg turned to her side looking at Vance. He turned over to look at her. Her brown locks of hair fell over her face.
Vance brushed her hair behind her ear revealing her pretty face. Her cheeks were a nice blush pink.
They just laid and looked at each other. Slowly inching their faces closer. Vance caressed her cheek as their faces became closer. Vance swirved and reached over her grabbing the coke bottle behind her. Meg playfully slapped him, "you jerk!" He laughed as he laid back down.
"You have Bruce." He shrugged and smiled. Meg rolled her eyes and went over to her draw in his dresser grabbing a T-shirt and some shorts.
"I'll be back." Meg said closing the door behind her. At this point Vance was lying on his side. He reached for a magazine and began to scan through.
Meg came back with her Fleetwood Mac shirt and brown shorts. Meg sat in the black bean bag in the corner of his room. "I'm bored."
"Cool." Vance said looking through the magazine.
"Hey." Meg said throwing a piece of clothing at him. "Can we watch a movie, please."
"Fine." Vance said throwing down his magazine. "Not another rom-com those are terrible."
Meg rolled her eyes. "Grease is amazing." Meg sounded offended.
"I get to pick." Vance said searching through the pile of VHS movies. "Star Wars." Vance pulled out the VHS. Meg put a pillow over her head and groaned. "Noo that's for losers." She said removing the pillow from her face.
"You love it and you know it." Vance said putting it in the console.
"I'm going to tell the girls at school that you watch Star Wars, they're gonna totally think you're a nerd and not want to go out with you." She said crossing her arms.
"Sure." He said pressing play. He had a lightsaber in the corner of his room behind the bean bag Meg was sitting in.

(Not edited) follow my tt and help me get to 1k!! @gwensbraidss

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