"I think were alone now." - Tiffany

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meg and vance continued walking there bikes to megs house. unlocking the door, revealing the small curly haired boy on the couch reading a book.

"hey griff, i'm going to be staying at Vance's house tonight call me if you need anything." meg said placing the keys in the dish on the tiny table next to the door.

the boy put his book down and turned to face the two in the foyer. "ok, just don't do-." he began to say.

"shut up!!" meg yelled at him through her lips.

vance chuckled as griffin made his two hands mock them kissing.

megs cheeks turned a flush pink. she grabbed a cushion off the bench in the foyer and threw it at the boy, causing him to laugh. "piss off!" she said embarrassed with a voice crack.

the boy just giggled and picked back up his book. "have funnnn." he said obnoxiously.

"oh shut up." she said rolling her eyes and turned around.

"bye vancey poo." griffin said waving mocking his sister.

vance just laughed and held open the door for meg and followed her out the door. they both walked down the path, vance nudging her making her stumble. meg came back and nudged him making him copy her previous moves.

vance regained his balance and wrapped his arms her, leaving his hand dangling off her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"damn, even that pool doesn't wash away all that cologne." meg said sarcastically motioning around her face is if it really had smelt.

"oh shut the fuck up." he said sarcastically.

meg smiled and they both hopped on their bikes and cycled to vance's house. the sun was slowly leaving their sight as the sky turned pink.

the two arrived at vance's house. vance swung open the door, holding it for meg. meg entered and gripped her stuff. "last one up has a consequence!" she yelled as she bolted towards the stairs.

vance bolted up soon behind her, just being able to grab her and pull her back. "you suck ass loser." he yelled making it to his room before she could.

he ran and leaped onto his bed and pulled out a magazine from underneath his bed as meg stood at the door panting, out of breath, "i-i oh my holy shit." she said with her hands on her knees.

vance laid there looking through the magazine. meg walked to her corner and grabbed a sweatshirt and some shorts, "i'll be back." she said turning to walk out of his room.

vance looked up from his magazine to see her walking out of his room, he admired her. she was stunning, and such a beautiful girl. she was 'his girl' and he wouldn't let that be taken away.

meg went into the bathroom and changed, the clothes that were in a drawer in her corner smelt like him, and his cologne, she didn't mind it because it reminded her of him.

she came back out and went back to his room. she went to open the door to find out it was locked. "you son of a bitch." she mumbled jiggling at the door knob. she knocked but got no reply. she knew he was in there because she could hear his deep laugh, but just barely.

"i'll just go hangout with the better hopper i guess." she said in a certain tone.

meg began to walk away when vance quickly replied, "WAIT IM SORRY." he said jokingly. he ran up and unlocked the door, opening it to follow meg. meg turned around to see him in his pajama pants. "I'm sorry margret! you're my favorite stagg!" he said playing around.

she turned back to walking the joan's room, "i don't care." she said snobbishly knowing that they were just fooling around. 

"ughh" he sighed running behind her and picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"ahh" she screamed and giggled. "put me down!!" she said holding onto him afraid to fall.

he didn't and continued back towards his bedroom. he held her over with one arm as he opened and closed the door behind him locking it, and plopped her down on his bed. "cant get out now." he said jumping into the big bean bag.

"vance, you are actually fucking dumb, it locks from the inside, moron." she said sitting up and leaning on her hands.

"rude." he said grabbing the stack of movies. "what we watching tonight?" he said flipping through the vhs movies.

just as meg was about to begin, "no not grease." vance said, megs shoulders dropped.

"damn it." she said.

he picked up carrie, "what about carrie??" he asked tossing it to her. she caught it and just looked at him. "i'll take that as a no, alright then." he said as she tossed it back to him.

"i kind of just want to sit and listen to music." meg suggested.

"okay." he said getting up to go and pick a record. "what about Boston?" he asked.

meg nodded, "but can you please play blondie after." she pleaded giving him puppy dog eyes.

"don't look at me like that." he said but she continued, "whatever twat."

"yay!" she clapped. vance put on the record and more than a feeling played. after it started he grabbed the magazine and laid back on the bean bag.

meg just laid in his bed on top of the comforter and just chilled as vance scanned through a magazine. meg grabbed the hacky sack off his side table and began to toss it up at the ceiling while the music played. she hummed to the beat and then sat up and sorted through her section of vinyl, picking out blondie and set it on the player putting boston away.

"hey," vance said looking up from his magazine.

"we had a deal." meg said making her way back to the bed.

heart of glass began to play and meg hummed out the song. vance put down the magazine and watched her play with the hacky sack and sing the song.

"why don't you sing more often?" vance asked.

that caught meg off guard, "huh?"

"i said why don't you sing more often." he repeated.

not edited!!! follow my tiktok @gwensbraidss

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