Sidewalk talk

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The movie was over and it was around 10:30, everyone was packing up.

"Bruce I'm going to walk home." Meg said awkwardly opening the car door.

"Alright." He paused, "be safe." He said looking at her.

She smiled as she walked away, she felt bad but she was confused, why was she feeling like this?

Meanwhile with Vance and Linda things weren't going so good. "Vance where'd you go?" She said playing with the collar of his jean jacket.

Vance shrugged her off, "Somewhere." He said annoyed.

"With who?" She said asked seductively.


She immediately got off of him and anger filled her eyes. "What. That slut." She mumbled.

"Excuse me? What did you say about her." Vance said turning around to her.

"Nothing." She smiled obnoxiously.

"Whore." He mumbled. "You can walk home or catch a ride with Bruce." He said sternly.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Get the fuck out and go somewhere else." He said point out of his car.

She rolled her eyes as she slammed the car door behind her. She walked and faded into the darkness.

Meg was walking by herself holding her jacket and purse in her hands. Vance saw her and got out of his car, calling her name. "Megs." He said from far away, but she didn't hear. Vance came up from behind her and scared her. "Boo." He said holding her shoulders.

Meg jumped, dropping all of her stuff. "Holy shit." She said bending down to get her stuff.

Vance chuckled, "someone shit their pants." He said jokingly.

"Shut up." Meg said rolling her eyes gathering all of her things.

"Make me." Vance said trying to be cool.

Meg started dying laughing. "Vance, that's the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard you say." She said looking at him as they walked on the sidewalk.

"Really? I though that was good, Linda would've like it." He said jokingly.

"Well, if you didn't know I'm not Linda." Meg said looking at him.

"No shit Sherlock." Vance said pushing Meg into the grass off the sidewalk. Meg came back onto the sidewalk and continued walking alongside Vance.

"So, um. Earlier... what was it? Or is it? I-I-." Meg stuttered.

"Meg, calm down." Vance said putting his hand in her back pocket.

"Vance I can't!" Meg said finally unleashing her emotions. "Just please tell me-."

Vance cut her off and pulled her in for a kiss. A few seconds after he pulled away, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Does that tell you?" He smirked.

"N-no not really..." she said stuttering.

"I like you dipshit." He said walking again.

"Wait, are you just fucking with me?" She said as she stopped walking.

"No Margret, I'm not fucking with you." He said looking at her.

"Dude, I hate when you call me that." Meg said looking at his blue eyes.

"Dude," Vance said imitating Meg "I don't care."

"I hate you." She said as she began to walk again.

"You love me and you know it." Vance said following behind her.

"Oh shut up." Meg smiled looking at her feet as she held her bag to her chest.

After a few minutes of silence Meg finally decided to speak up. "Why me?" She blurted out.


"I said why me?" Her voice began to crack.

"Its always been you." Vance said confidently, she knew it wasn't always her, Vance had been "in love" with plenty of girls and just quickly moved on.

"Sureeee." She said elongating the e. "I'm not stupid Vance. What about Sam? Gwen? Donna? Hmm?" She said walking quicker.

"Meg, it's different, you make me feel different." Vance said sympathetically.

Meg didn't say anything, but a tear slowly fell down her cheek. Meg prayed she wasn't just another girl to Vance, she couldn't help to think about it, was she being used?

"I'll meet you at home Vance." Meg said avoiding looking at him.

"Meg, just please let me talk to you, you can even ask Joan if this is true." He said grabbing her wrists to make her look at him. "I like you, a lot, and you're not another girl Meg. You're different." This wasn't like Vance, he was anything but lovey dovey and sympathetic. "You actually care about me and not sex, drug's and alcohol, and your hair, my god your hair, and your laugh. Everything about you-." Vance ranted. "I'm fucking dead man." He said as he began walking once again with the girl.

Meg walked there in shock. Woah Vance Hopper just like confessed his love. She smiled.

"You son of a bitch." He said scoffing. Meg giggled as she grabbed Vance's hand. Intertwining her fingers with his. Their hands swung back and fourth as they turned around walking back to Vance's car.

(Unedited, sorry if this is cringe! Also my views are low so maybe recommend my story! Not forcing tho🫶🫶

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