Soon later, the whole Potter-Weasley and whatnot family had arrived at the- now humongous- Burrow. The children were all assembled in the second- smaller- living room that was decked with flags from all four of the Hogwarts Houses- as there were members of the family in each. All the children had their 'group of friends' in the family, and so many conversations could be heard throughout the room.
"Carrie! Fabe! Nev!" Russell and Hadlee called across the room "Look what we got!" Russell stuck up his arm and waved and opaque piece of cloth over at the group, his hand unseen.
"The cloak!" Fabian exclaimed excitedly- and he ran over to the two. "Let's have it!" he grinned as he flung his arms up in the air in an attempt to reach the cloak.
"Nuh-uh" Russell tutted as he put his hand higher in the air, out of Fabian's reach "We're using it first" Fabian moaned, but gave in, knowing that he wouldn't get the cloak off the duo, no matter how hard he tried "Plus" Russell continued "I think you three owe us a good explanation"
Carina rolled her eyes, and shot a quick glare at Fabian "You promised them an explanation?" she almost hissed. Neville stiffled a laugh, as Fabian sauntered over, his eyes on the floor, not wanting to look up at Carina, knowing she'd be angry. She pushed herself up off the floor- where she had been sitting- and pointed to the ceiling, telling Fabian to meet her upstairs, more than likely in her room.
"Careful Carrie, your Slytherin's showing" Neville laughed as he followed Carina out the room and up the stairs, closely followed by a slightly-ashamed Fabian.
"You think we're going to be sent away?" Hadlee yelled, before clapping her hands to her mouth, after realising just how loud she had spoken. Carina, Fabian and Neville nodded simultaneously. After about half an hour of arguing, Carina had given in to telling Hadlee and Russell about why they really needed the cloak, and not the "we just wanna do pranks" excuse Fabian had attempted to use.
"Well, we don't know how many of us are being sent away" Neville continued "We just know it's starting with our year, and going to happen soon" he sighed as she said the last few words "I don't know where we're going, but I don't want to go" All four of the other people in the room shook their heads. Russell and Hadlee broke out into explanations why they couldn't be doign that- why they can't do that- but the other three knew it was no use, they were being sent away, and they were afraid it was somewhere bad.
The five sat in silence in Carina's room for a while, all thinking about where they could be going, why could the teachers want this to happen? Nobody had a reason, and they were all scared.
"Come on" Carina sighed, looking up "It's christmas, let's think happy, and we can deal with this when we get back to Hogwarts, after christmas" The other four nodded, and they all put on a happy face as they went to join everyone else in the living room downstairs. Attempting to forget everything they knew, or had been told, until they were to go back to Hogwarts.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" everyone yelled as an abundance of christmas crackers were pulled, causing the thunderous sound of the little explosions going off everywhere around the multiple tables (One was just not big enough anymore). Everyone tucked into their christmas dinner- cooked by the wonderful Hermione Weasley, she had been taught well by her mother-in-law, Molly Weasley- as they talked and talked, about everything and anything. Everybody always had a story to tell, something that nobody had heard before; however there was still great joy in re-telling stories people had lived through in the past.
After the meal, the large family gathered into the what seemed as though a tiny living room- compared to the amount of people in it plus a very large tree- although it was very large by normal standards. Each child took their turn in unwrapping a present- going from youngest to oldest- before all the presents were unwrapped. The children went into the smaller- though not by much- living room next door, as the adults recapped their stories once again, and the children had fun playing games and talking. Not a word was said about the fact that some of the children were to be sent away when they went back; infact, school was barely talked about other than the occasional funny story one of the children had experienced, but somehow not told their family yet, how could they!
Nevertheless, they were soon all back to Hogwarts. The week flew by from Christmas to their return on the Hogwarts express, and the five that knew of their experiences to come became very anxious. Fabian had the invisability cloak tucked away deep at the bottom of his case, ready to get all information possible at the first moment possible. The trio were soon joined by their friends, Oscar and the triplets, and they were busy talking about their holidays, nervously avoiding the conversation they all knew they needed to talk about. They were half an hour away from the end of the three hour trian journey when the topic finally came up in conversation.
"Talking of stealing" Oscar announced "Have any luck getting the cloak?" he asked, the first of the seven to talk about anything remotely related to that topic. Fabian nodded, before explaining that Russell and Hadlee had got it for them, and then Carina proceeded to explain that they had to tell Russell and Hadlee why they needed the cloak- because Fabian "Missed that point out"- before glaring at Fabian once again for forcing more people to know. "What? They deserved to know! Everyone does..." Fabian shrugged, before they left that conversation and carried on with something completely unrelated.
I know, I know, I'm awful at updating, okay? I said it, I know. I'm sorry, I have no excuse, because it's the same as always. Sorry if this chapter's really boring, and I'm pretty sure it is. It's a filler chapter really. To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to go next, but hopefully there'll be some sort of action in it, something interesting. I don't know. I'm not going to lie and say I'll get the next chapter up quicker, because I probably won't, but I'll try! Look, I'm getting started on the next chapter right now!
I'm sorry for the long a/n, hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you do, please vote/comment, it'll mean the world to me!
Thank you!

Two Teams Of The Tower {Harry Potter two generations later fanfiction}
Fanfictionn the year 2044 the Muggle world and the Wizarding world are close to colliding. Rose and Scorpius Malfoy's daughter, Carina Adromeda Malfoy knows this. When a new procedre is brought into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will this generat...