Chapter 9

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Carina and her friends were even more wary now that ever, if that was posisble. They were quieter than they had ever been before, which came as a big surprise for the teachers and other students that knew them well. They were all ears listening out for any hints to whether Carina's idea was correct or not. However they heard nothing, as they expected. They still spoke to eachother every evening yet they never had anything new. They tried everything, they boys even offered to try and get into the staff room, or Professor Burrow's office to try and hear something. The night this was suggested only Carina, Fabian and Neville were around 

"Fabe, even if you did get in you know Aunt Lily will find you" Carina sighed

"Yeah, but we're family, she may be a bit more lenient" Fabian replied

"No, she's family so she's tell your parents and you'll be in double the trouble, I don't think your father will be as lenient as you are hoping Aunt Lily will be" Carina explained

"Yeah but I can ask her..." Fabian tried to argue, but he had no more responses, so just trailed out of his sentence slowly, knowing Carina was right, sneaking into the headmistress' office was not as a good an idea as he had originally thought it would be. They had all discussed various ways of getting any information from the teachers, all ideas where terrible in one way or the other.

"What if I get hold of Grandad's invisibility cloak?" Fabian exclaimed, happy at his new idea. 

"You won't be able to get to his until the Christmas holidays, they might send us away before then" Neville said, he easily found the down points in everybody's plans, just as Carina had done.

"It's only two weeks before then! They're not going to send us away now!" Fabian replied

"And besides, you've either got to ask him where it is or spent hours, maybe days, looking for it, we're going to be at the burrow most the holiday"  Carina sighed

"I'll get Dad to talk to him!" Fabian yelped "Dad's always loved jokes and adventure, if I get him to get it off Grandad then we can have it!"

"Uncle James won't give it to you if he gets hold of it. He may be a joker but he knows the responsibilities of being a father, he knows all the trouble he got into caused by that damned cloak, and all the trouble Harry got into, he's not stupid, and neither are you, you should know he won't give it to you" Neville explained. 

"Why do you two always find the draw backs in every idea?" Fabian moaned

"We don't want to get caught! We'll get eternal detention if we do! As if the teacher's aren't suspicious enough already! We're being unusually quiet, they know something is going on with us"  Carina explained

"Then we'll get someone else to do it! I don't know who, but someone! One of the cousins!" Fabian almost shouted

"Second cousins" Neville corrected

"Same thing" Fabian rolled his eyes

"Who, who would do that for us and not mind getting in trouble?" Carina asked, having thought that through she couldn't pick out any obvious flaws

"Hadlee! Or Russell! Or maybe even Jake! I don't know, Russ'll be up for it, so'll Hay!" Fabian grinned "They love the same things dad does!" 

"You talk to them if you are so determined to do this" Neville shook his head

"I will! I'll get them to do it, we can find out what's going on through them! They'll do it" Fabian smiled, almost evilly in a way. I got up to go find them, but Carina grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down

"Not now, Fabe, it's too late, we'll probably get sent to bed in a minute, talk to them tomorrow, and you'll have to pick one of them, they're in their last year, they won't both fit under the cloak, oh, and you have to talk to your dad to get the cloak, because I'm not going to and I'm sure Nev won't either" Carina looked over at the other Potter boy, who was frantically shaking his head in agreement. 

The next day Carina woke early and decided to go sit in the common room with a book. She walking in hoping for peace however Fabian was sitting on the red sofa tapping away, as if waiting for something. 

"Carina!" he exclaimed after scanning the room to see her take a seat next to him "What are you doing up this early?"

"I could say the same for you but I am pretty sure I know why you are up so early" Carina laughed "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to read" 

"And you couldn't read in your dorm?" Fabian asked

"Reya snores, puts me off" 

"I bet she loves you sharing that piece of information" Fabian laughed

"Don't tell her" Carina pleaded. Fabian nodded mid-laugh and after a minute of him calming down Carina continued "Do you know what time they get up?"

"No, I set my alarm for six, been up here ever since" Fabian explained

"Did you wake the others up?" 

"Only Nev, but he just groaned, rolled over and was asleep again in five minutes" Carina shrugged off the normality of Neville's actions and returned to her book. "He can sleep anywhere in the shortest time ever I swear" Carina nodded slightly, without looking up. Neither of the pair spoke anymore. 

It took Carina an hour to read her book, by the time she had finished the common room had got slightly louder and the person beside her was no longer Fabian, it was some girl she didn't know. Carina closed the back cover of her book, before returning back to her dorm to put it in her bag to return to the library some time that day. She walked back up the stairs to see Fabian laughing with Hadlee Weasley and Russell Griffin at a table by the nearest window. She sighed, shaking her head, before walking over to them. She drew her seat and sat down opposite Fabian before either of the three noticed her.

"Oh, hey Carrie" Hadlee smiled, pushing her short blonde hair behind her ear. 

"Carrie!" Fabian exclaimed "They said they'd do it! I knew they would"

"Only if we get to know what you are thinking about what's gunna happen" Russell raised his eyebrows 

"Yeah, I didn't want to say anything yet incase you didn't want anyone else to know, but you can tell them if you think it's alright?" Fabian had a pleading look in his eyes. Carina knew what it meant. It meant 'please tell them, if you do then you can find out if we are right or not'. Carina took a deep breathe in before talking. 

I don't have an explanation because I know I did terrible with the 'it's the holidays I can upload more' thing because that totally didn't work. Sorry. I know this is short and I have severe writers block with this story right now. I am trying my best. I just have this thing where I start like a million stories but never finish them because I get writers block or I don't have time for it. I really hope this isn't one of them. I am also trying to get going on Seventh World and Infinite Heroes- although that is still on hold so I won't be uploading any parts I complete just yet. 

I also have news that Eva no longer has any ideas for this story that I haven't planned so she is no longer working on it with me :( but I will continue it the best I can and I am very glad for all the help she has given me for the past eight parts. 

I am also starting my GCSEs this year so I will be slower but I will give all my free time to writing any chapters for any of my three working books that I can, so hopefully I can get going onto those and maybe finish them. I have decided that Infinite Heroes is only going to be a short story so not much will be going on with that but I will complete it all before uploading any more of that and I probably won't upload any more of that until I have completed and uploaded all the parts I want to on either this or Seventh World- whichever one comes to an end first. 

Soo.. Sorry I took too long and it was a short chapter; I am trying to write more for my other two books; Eva is no longer working on this with me :( ; I can't be sure that I will upload quicker so I won't say I will; and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment if you did :D 


-Elise x

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