Chapter 7

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The next few days were similar to the first one. The students were introduced to music, acting and exercise lessons as new lessons this year. They were exactly what they sounded like, the students got to play musical instruments and sing in music lessons, they got to create plays and mini-films in acting lessons and they had to do a lot of exercise in exercise lessons. Exercise lessons were also referred to as physical education by some teachers but most students called it EL just as they called defense against the dark arts DADA. Every evening Jaelynn and Rosetta would approach Carina in the common room once she had finished her homework and ask more about her family. Carina had recieved a couple of letters from McKenzie and Clarissa stating their gratefulness of her help and kindness towards the girls. 

"Can we meet some of your family?" Jaelynn asked on friday evening. 

"Of course, who do you want to meet?" Carina replied, looking up from the book she had in her hand. 

"Well I want to meet Tonks but I know I can't" Rosetta sighed

"Yeah, she's not at Hogwarts anymore. Maybe you can come round at Christmas and meet her?" Carina suggested

"Really?" Rosetta exclaimed "I would love that!"

"Of course, I'll talk to Mum and get her to invite you and your parents round and you can meet everyone" Carina smiled, loving the joy on their faces

"Can we meet someone now?" Jaelynn asked

"Sure" Carina nodded. She scanned the common room. She saw Fabian and Neville sitting by the fire but the two girls had already met them. After a few more seconds Nadia and Valentine popped into view "Dia! Val!" Carina called. "Can you come here a sec?" she asked. The two older girls walked over to where Carina was sitting

"What's up?" Nadia asked, flicking her curly blonde hair off her shoulder. Her hair was more of a dirty-blonde compared to Carina's platinum blonde and Rosetta's beach blonde. 

"These girls wanted to meet you, this is Jaelynn and Rosetta" Carina introduced "And this is Nadia and Valentine" 

"Hi" Rosetta squeaked. Jaelynn said nothing but smiled. 

"Hello" Valentine smiled running a hand through her long, dark brown hair. 

"These girls are really interested in our family" Carina explained

"Ohh, nice" Nadia smiled "I'm Nadia, call me Dia, everyone does"

"I'm Jaelynn, you can call me Jae, and that's Rosetta" Jaelynn pointed to Rosetta "Everyone calls her Rose"

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Val" Valentine nodded

"Nice to meet you, we've got to go now, we have a lot of homework to get going on" Nadia smiled "Sorry to rush off"

"It's fine" Rosetta grinned "Bye"

"Goodbye" Nadia waved before following Valentine in the direction they came. 

Carina also said goodbye and left the two girls to sit with her friends.

"Do you want to go into Hogsmeade tomorrow Carrie?" Oscar asked "We're all going"

"Sure" Carina smiled, pulling a chair out from the table and sitting aroudn it with them. 

The next day they did just that. They hopped onto the carriages just five minutes before they were due to leave, unlike everyone else who was there around half an hour beforehand. They arrived at Hogsmeade arguing about where to go first. The boys wanted to go into Zonko's Joke Shop however Carina and and the other girls wanted to go to Honeydukes. They ended up splitting and agreeing to meet up at The Three Broomsticks in ten minutes. 

The girls arrived at the pub before the boys, as they had expected. They chose a table for seven just as three of the Hogwarts Professors walked in. The professors chose a table reasonably close to the girls and didn't try to keep as quiet as they perhaps should have done. 

"And are you a hundred percent sure we should be warning the students before we send them off?" Professor Burrow asked

"I'm am perfectly certain, Lily, the world is full of surprises and the students need to know how to react to that, in an environment like this will be too" Professor Trushwright explained

"Lily, you are in charge of this school-" Professor Greyrail started

"Not really, Jonathon" Professor Burrow sighed

"Yes, but you know what  I mean, look, Lily, you have complete control over what the children do and do not know. If you see it fitting that they know they are being sent of Hogwarts then you tell them, you don't have to tell them all, just forth years if you wish to do so. If you see it fitting that they do not know, as Katria says, then do not tell them. It is utterly up to you" Professor Greyrail continued

"Of course, but you must think, get them ready for the world they will face when they leave Hogwarts, just think about that" Professor Trushwright added

"I will, Katria, but I should remeber what Jonathon says too" 

Just then they boys came in, laughing at something one of them brought in Zonko's, and they took their seats on the table with the boys. 

"Shh" Carina snapped at the boys, they had been listening to the teachers, and they were eager to know more. However the teachers seemed to have finished their convosation as they were getting up to leave. "Damnit" Carina muttered 

"What? What was happening? What did we ruin?" Oscar asked, putting his bag under his chair. 

"The teachers were talking about sending us somewhere" Alana replied, quietly incase they were still in the room, which they weren't.

"Send us where?" Fabian asked

"I don't know! YOU  caused a rackett and they left!" Alana almost shouted

"Merlin's beard, calm down Lana!" Fabian laughed

"Sorry" Alana sighed

"They were discussing about whether they should tell us or not" Carina explained

"They told you!" Neville exclaimed

"Not really" Carina shrugged "We just overheard them"

"So who was it? What did they say?" Oscar asked

"Well, Aunt Lily wasn't sure whether she should tell us all or not, and then Professor Trushwright s-" Carina started 

"Her name's Katria!" Aisling added

"Yeah, well she said that they should surprise us because that's what the 'real world' is like. And then Professor Greyrail-" Carina continued untill she got cut off again

"Jonathon" Aideen added

"Yeah, he said that because Aunt Lily's the headmistress that she is the person most in charge of the school that we have access too-" Carina got cut off yet again by Aisling

"That's sort of what he said"

"It's basically what he said, anyway he said that Aunt Lily has the most control over the school in the school so she should choose whether to tell us or not. So it's up to her whether we know or not" Carina finished

"I really hope she does chose to tell us, I want to know what it is. And I'm really starting to dislike this Professor Trushwright" Neville muttered, just loud enough for the group to hear. 

Hello guys, sorry for the long wait, I have no excuse really, seeing as I have no school now for a couple more weeks, but hopefully that means I will be uploading soon, maybe, hopefully, I'll try, okay? Don't expect too much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! -Elise x

Hellooooo, I hope you enjoy this chapter, as always I never know when it's going up as I have no effect over that but I've done all I can! XD I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment if you did so :) Enjoy :) :) :) -Eva x

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