Chapter 10

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The time went by quickly before everyone was back on board the Hogwarts Express and back to London for the Christmas Holidays. The group of seven friends sat squashed in the one compartment, as per usual, talking excitedly about the holidays, and not so excitedly about what was to happen after they got back, or whenever they were to be sent off. 

As the train arrived at Kings Cross, the friends said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways, with everyone wishing Carina, Neville and Fabian good luck with getting the cloak. The trio went over the plan one last time before going to meet their parents, and going their own ways back home. 

Carina sat silently in the back of the car, squashed between her two brothers. Scorpius and Rose offered her many confused glances, and they could be heard whispering to eachother about her the whole way home. Lynx and Phoenix argued the whole way home, making up for the silence Carina was offering, but giving Carina no peace to think about her idea, yet she tried anyway. As the car pulled into the driveway, the two boys rushed out, eager to get home, whilst Carina kindly helped her parents unload the large trunks out of the car. Getting their daughter alone, Rose and Scorpius deemed this the best time to talk to their daughter about her strange acts in the car. 

"Carrie, Darling" Rose cooed, as the three reached the front door "Is everything alright?" Suddenly realising her unusual silence, Carina perked up, smiling boldly and looking her mother dead in the eye

"Of course Mum, why wouldn't it be?" holding the grin on her face, Carina swung her case up the stairs and ran into her room, itching for some silence to go over everything once more; however, before she had the chance to do so, she was interupted by her father questioning her. Again, she brushed off all signs of being different, and carried on as she normally would- getting her homework done early, but perhaps not to the best standard she could. 

As per usual, Fabian and Neville had gone home together, the pair spoke quietly the whole way home, as to not alert anoybody else in the car of their speculations. As they arrived at Fabian's house, the grabbed their trunks and rushed up to his bedroom, locking the door so that Luna, Leif and Harmony could not get in to pester them. 

"Do you really think Russ and Had will go through with it without letting the reasoning slip?" Neville asked, a worried look in his eye. 

"Relax, Nev, I've talked it through with them, they know how important it is to keep it quiet, and do you really think they'll let it slip? Calm down, don't worry" Fabian laughed. 

"Nevilleeeee" Harmony moaned, knocking on Fabian's door loudly and rapidly "What are you doooiiing?" Harmony, Neville's little sister, had an annoying habbit of persistenly wanting to know what her older brother was annoying, and despite his 'calm towards everything' it frequently led Neville to want to pull her pretty brown hair out. 

"Harmonyyyy" Neville cruely mimicked his sister's high pitched voice "Go away please, I'm trying to have a serious convosation with Fabain"

"Serious?" Luna scoffed from the other side of the door. "How in Merlin's name can Fabian have a serious convosation? Are you sure he's not pulling a prank on you Nev?" Luna was Fabian's older sister, and she had a large disliking towards Fabian due to all the prank he pulled on her. He had recently learnt that pulling more pranks on Luna would get him  a lot of trouble, and a lot of hate from her, and so he didn't do so anymore. "Come on Mony" Luna's deep sigh could be heard through out the coarse door, and their footsteps trailed off to silence as the walked further down the hall. 

"My sister is such an idiot" Neville moaned 

"You think I got it any better? Because I haven't! Luna HATES me, quite literally" Fabian laughed. 

"Carrie!" Rose called up the stairs. Carina had locked herself away in her room, but her thoughts were just making her more nervous. She had been reading a muggle book she had picked up just before term started, and had no chance to read it. It was a good book, and she was alreay half way through it. Snapping the book shut she pushed a wild strand of blonde hair from her face and walked down to see what her mother wanted. Scorpius, Lynx and Phoenix were all sitting on the sofa, waiting for her. 

"What's up?" Carina asked, smiling and sitting on the arm of the closest sofa. 

"The ceiling" Lynx replied sarcastically. Phoenix stiffled a laugh as Carina mouthed 'shut up' so that her parents wouldn't yell at her. 

"We're going to James and Eliza's shortly, so get your things ready" Rose smiled, shooing the two boys off, but pulling Carina back before she could escape without a talking. "Carrie, what's wrong dear? You are usually bounding around telling us what you and your friends got up to this term, did you fall out with someone?" Rose looked genuinely concerned and Scorpius sent warm smiles over his wife's shoulder, trying to get the truth out of his daughter. 

"No no no, I promise, everything's fine. The teachers have just really knuckled down on us this year, is that the right phrase? Anyway, it's really hard, I've just been going over some potions things I need to learn, the sooner I get it done the better eh?" Carina smiled at her parents before swinging up the stairs to avoid further questioning. 

"The Malfoy's are here!" Elizabella called up the stairs. Caia and Albus Potter had arrived just 5 minutes earlier and were already busy talking in the large front room. After practically running into the house Carina run up the stairs and knocked on Fabian's door quickly three times and then slowly four times, signalling that it was her at the door and that they should let her in. Not even a minute later she was sitting on Fabian's blue beanbag talking to the boys. 

"I still can't believe they are sending us away" Neville tutted, fiddling with the end of the green beanbag he was sitting on. He took a look around the room, as if he had never been in there before. He didn't need to, he knew every inch of the small room. All four walls were plastered with posters of various Appleby Arrows above which were lines of large shelves, not only filled with useless articfacts and prank gadgets, were also filled with moving statues and the occasional book, something Carina had practically forced both the boys into. 

"I know, but anyway, Fabe, did you get out of Russ and Hads when they were going to be getting the cloak for us?" Carina asked, getting faster as she spoke "Or do you need to owl them? Because if they don't get it before we all go to the Burrow, we could never get it and then we'll have to wait until easter and that could be too late!" 

"Calm down Carrie!" Fabian laughed "I'm going to Gramps' on Tuesday, and I think Russ is going to see him then as well, it'll be alright. Besides Hads can apparate, so if need be she can just go to his to look for it! I'm going to try and get out of Gramps where he keeps it, and then tell Russ so that he can try and find it, but if not Russ or Hads wil have to get it out of him." Fabian shrugged, as if it was no big deal- which it most certainly was. 

Hey! Sorry for the long wait, of course I have an excuse, but it's the same as always- school work and everything, so I'm not going to go on about it. I know this is a really bad chapter but I had a severe writers block and this took like 10 days to write as it is. I'm really sorry about how terrible it is but I know what I'm doing next chapter so that should hopefully be better. 

I'm going to say I'll try and upload the next chapter quicker but you and I both know that's not going to happen- so don't keep your hopes up. 

Again- I'm sorry about the delay and the poor quality, but I hoped it's good enough, please vote and comment, it'll mean the world if you did! Thanks 

-Elise x

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