Part 3

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Brambleclaw sighed as he watched the rain pour down outside of the warrior's den. He felt terrible. He felt so sorry for himself. Why had Squirrelflight left him? Why hadn't she chosen him over Ashfur? He was obviously better than Ashfur. Was it... then it hit him. She hated him because he was Tigerstar's son. Yes! Of course, that's why. Why hadn't he died on the journey instead of Feathertail? He could just be dead, and not be here. Why did he have to watch Squirrelflight be with Ashfur every day, and treat Brambleclaw just like he was just a regular cat?

He moped, but eventually dragged himself to the fresh-kill pile. Everything was soaked, because of the rain that had just let up, and this didn't improve his spirits much. He grabbed three mice by their tails and padded back under a clump of bracken to eat by himself. He regretted his decision because later he had a bellyache. He grumbled but heaved himself over to the medicine den. Brightheart gave him herbs for his belly and told him to lay down in a nest in the medicine den. He did as she suggested.

"Brambleclaw..." she began hesitantly. He didn't look up, just closed his eyes.

"You seem a little... tired, lately", she offered. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" She tilted her head with a comforting smile. "If you need anything, I'm here for you..." Lulled by her comforting look, and the herbs that made him drowsy, he answered.

"Yes..." She sighed, curling her tail around her paws.

"Anything wrong?" she asked. He murmured something inaudible, before relenting.

"Squirrelflight..." she sighed, seeming to know what he meant, that Squirrelflight had chosen Ashfur over him.

"Brambleclaw... I get it, really, I do." She glanced out of the den where Daisy watched as Cloudtail played with her kits. Brambleclaw caught a glance of anger, then sadness clouded her eyes. Brambleclaw sat up quickly, (his stomach regretted it).

"I know the pain", she meowed, an empathetic look in her eye. "The pain will dull in a few days..." she trailed off, and for the first time, met his gaze. Her blue eyes held wisdom, sadness, and pain. Brambleclaw understood her for the first time. Brightheart had been mauled by the dog pack, her face scarred forever, and Cloudtail had been the cat to help her through it. To see her mate now, deserting her for Daisy, a queen from the horseplace, stung her.

"I was once Lostface... but now, I feel like Lostheart". She looked down at the herbs she was sorting, shuffling her paws. He knew how she felt. Should she continue? Should she stop her relationship altogether? He had felt all of these feelings before, just a few days ago. But he felt something different now. He felt anger. He felt anger at Brightheart's words, about Squirrelflight's empty lies about maintaining any friendship.

"I'm tired of this!" he spat. Brightheart looked up, startled. He stomped away, not caring to explain.

"Brambleclaw, wait!" Brightheart called after him. Brambleclaw didn't listen, and Leafpool woke up, so she tended to Leafpool instead. He felt anger welling up in him, threatening to burst over. He stomped out into the forest, not caring if he was scaring off the prey.

He found his paws carrying him to the RiverClan border. He wished to see one cat, his brother. Hawkfrost, who shared the same father as him. He snuck past a WindClan patrol, for he had to cross WindClan territory to get to RiverClan. He felt vulnerable on the open moor, with the wind whipping past him. Oh, well, he thought. Why should I care anymore if a patrol catches me? My life is over. A light rain began to fall, and he quickly finished crossing the moor. He heard the river and padded towards it.

He saw two RiverClan cats swimming in the river. They laughed and played. The she-cat climbed out of the river. She shook her golden coat out. She looked around for the tom, who had seemed to disappear. She called the tom's name. She sniffed, not seeing him. Then, the brown tom cat burst out of the bush behind her and bowled her over, into the river. She growled at the tom, but they ended up laughing and playing. Brambleclaw stopped. He imagined it. Squirrelflight would be the one to shove him into the river, and he would scowl, but then she'd lick his ear, or murmur an apology. Then they would continue playing... but this wasn't him and Squirrelflight. It was a RiverClan couple. How dare they have love, when he deserved it more! He splashed into the river.

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