Part 4

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Brambleclaw trudged back, not wanting to tell Firestar what had happened. He didn't want to face any cat, to be honest. He had just wanted to visit Hawkfrost, his true kin.

"Why, hello, Brambleclaw," greeted Daisy politely when she walked by him, heading towards the nursery. He ignored her, instead flicking his tail dismissively. He saw Brightheart stare longingly at Cloudtail from the entrance to the medicine den and rolled his eyes. Stupid she-cat. Just give up already. It was obvious to every cat that Cloudtail loved Daisy. He'd never heard him admit it, but he could tell that the fluffy white tom favored the cream-colored she-cat. He caught Brightheart's eye and snarled, and she flinched as he stalked back to the warrior's den.

He picked up two mice and a shrew on the way. He padded to the warrior's den and lay down in his nest, purposefully scattering the moss and a few feathers all over the den. He needed something to take his anger out on, so instead, he focused on tearing apart Ashfur's nest. When he was done, he had no appetite, so he just left the prey there, and walked out again. It was cloudy outside and it matched his mood.

He heard arguing, and his head perked up. Trouble? Maybe Ashfur and Squirrelflight were arguing again. Oooooooh, he thought. That would be nice. He strode out of the den, ignoring every cat that looked his way. Why should he care? To his disappointment, he saw that it was just the two apprentices, Birchpaw and Whitepaw, playing together. Whitepaw pinned him down, and Brackenfur purred, praising his apprentice and teasing Birchpaw gently. Ashfur came up and flicked his tail across Birchpaw's ear affectionately.

"Don't worry, you'll get her next time," he chuckled.

"We'll see about that," meowed Brackenfur good-naturedly.  "Right Brambleclaw?" He stopped, glaring at Brackenfur. Ashfur seemed to know that Brackenfur has made a mistake, and stiffened, not looking him in the eyes. Whitepaw looked embarrassed, but she and Birchpaw went back to play fighting. Brambleclaw didn't respond for a long time. Ashfur had convinced Squirrelflight to betray him and stole her from him. Where had been Backenfur? He had never helped or backed up Brambleclaw.

"I think your both fox-hearts. And your apprentices shall be just like you." Brackenfur's mouth dropped open and Ashfur growled. Whitepaw and Birchpaw gazed after him, embarrassed and ashamed, but also shocked, like Brackenfur. Brambleclaw stalked off. No cat had heard but them, but he didn't care if any cat heard. Why did it matter to him? He stalked to Firestar's den and barged in, not bothering to ask.

"Firestar!" he barked. Firestar scrambled up immediately, and Sandstorm stood up, alarmed.

"What is it Brambleclaw?" He sat down, washing, while he and Sandstorm continued to look shocked. "Whitepaw and Birchpaw are not being trained properly."

"What?" asked Firestar, bewildered.

"Ashfur and Brackenfur are training them badly. They were disrespectful to their senior warriors." He meant that they were disrespectful to him, but he was sure that they had been rude to other warriors, too.

Firestar shook his pelt out, a little rattled and confused, while Sandstorm sat down thoughtfully.

"Are you sure? It must've been an accident."

"It was deliberate." Firestar paused, and Sandstorm stayed silent, taking this in.

"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like them."

"They were encouraged to do so by their mentors."

"Brackenfur and Ashfur? I don't think so." Of course, Ashfur would have Firestar and Sandstorm's favor. He "loved" their daughter. He had to remain calm. "I wish I had a second opinion. Not that I don't value yours, Brambleclaw, it's just-" he broke off, sighing heavily. Sandstorm licked his cheek.

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