Part 12

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"At least... I think I know what you're talking about." Suddenly, Marsh's confident and determined appearance seemed to crumble as she looked around at the cats.

Confusion was written on some of their faces, and on others, dark nods of agreement, as if they could easily believe her previous statement. "We were just in the river, for a swim... the one near RiverClan, and we had just joined a few days earlier. Me and my mate- Jasper."

She paused, letting the name sink in and consume her once more. "Anyway- he was there. This burly brown tabby tom. But then his eyes... he looked at me, and I saw hatred. Pure and unwavering." Ashfur glanced at Tawnypelt. She remained motionless, listening to the broken she-cat's words.

"Go on," Blackstar encouraged hesitantly after a few seconds. She found the courage to continue finally and rushed through the rest.

"He just went crazy. He started telling us to get out of the river, and we wouldn't, because we were so confused. The sky began to get dark, and then he started attacking us. I tried to dodge more than fight because I thought there was a misunderstanding or something. I saw Jasper clinging to a log-" The tears ran down her face now, and she couldn't stop them.

"But I had to look away. He was coming again, closer, to attack me this time, and then the current got stronger. I thought Jasper'd be okay- he grew up near a river, but... I tried to haul the brown tom back to shore. When I succeeded, I turned around and Jasper was gone. Then, the river overtook me. I tried to scream for help, but it was carrying me away. The last thing I saw was that tom's face. He could've helped me. Could've saved Jasper. Could've just not attacked in the first place-" she stopped herself suddenly, getting too choked up. She looked up at them all, Tawnypelt and Ashfur in particular.

"I don't expect you to let me stay. I just wanted to let you know." She didn't hesitate as she spat out her next request, her green eyes staring hard at him and Tawnypelt. "But whenever you solve this- whatever you do with him, just remember what he did to Jasper. What he did to me." She turned to walk out of the camp, ears pulled back and head low. The ShadowClan cats and refugees watched with a mix of emotions in their eyes.

"Wait!" She stopped, turning around, and standing straighter. Tawynpelt stepped forward. "I want you to help us."

"Why?" Marsh asked, her gaze unwavering.

"Because you understand," a black she-cat murmured. "You have a motive. And we know you'd help us for Jasper." Marsh looked taken aback but nodded. "I lost my mate to him too," Nightcloud's eyes clouded with grief for a moment. "And even though I can't ever avenge that, I can still try to."

After a silent heartbeat, Marsh nodded.


Bramblestar gazed at the fighting cats. Peachpaw and Bluebellbreeze fought each other, and one of their mentors watched, criticizing their every move.

"A fine army we've started, hmm?" the slick voice of his half-brother cut through his thoughts. He started a bit, scared and rolled his eyes in an annoyed way when Hawkstar purred in amusement.

"I thought I might take the apprentices here someday," Bramblestar meowed, changing the subject.

"You should do it soon. They're growing up fast in the ways of fighting." He stiffened, glaring suddenly at his Hawkstar.

"Are you really surprised? I have eyes everywhere." Bramblestar narrowed his amber eyes at Hawkstar. This could make him a powerful enemy, should the two eventually split off from being allies. He seemed to sense this and tried to put his worries at ease.

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