Part 11

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"Brambleclaw!" a voice demanded from the Great Oak. He swung his burly head to glare at the cat nestled high up in the branches, his black tail tip flicking impatiently, and amber eyes narrowed. Blackstar. One of Bramblestar's last enemies.

"Actually, it's Bramblestar now," he corrected him. Blackstar's hiss echoed around the clearing.

"And what happened to Firestar?" ShadowClan's leader challenged.

"Let's just say he met an... unfortunate ending, to say the least."

"You mean to tell us that Firestar is dead?" asked Blackstar, considering the thought. Cats around the tree shook their heads and gave yowls of grief and protest even. Bramblestar knew that ThunderClan's former leader had been well-loved by all, almost.

Bramblestar gave a little shrug, and even gave a small smile. This seemed to surprise Blackstar slightly, though he tried not to show it.

"And have you been to the Moonpool to receive your nine lives? And you too, Hawkstar?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his words. Bramblestar and his half-brother exchanged cruel smiles, but Hawkstar shook his head.

"Not yet, I've been rather busy caring for my Clan. Perhaps you should do the same Blackstar, instead of inquiring about the other Clans so much?" Blackstar rocked back on his haunches, clearly seething at being scolded like a little kit in the nursery.

"Well then," he snapped. "Prey is running well, in ShadowClan, at least." He turned to look at Onestar. The tabby ducked his head, looking defeated. His haunted eyes and hunched shoulders made him look like he'd been starving for moons.

"Prey is running well in WindClan, too," Bramblestar immediately answered for him. Blackstar gave him a look.

"Didn't you and your half-brother just chastise me for simply asking about your leadership?" he muttered snippily.

"Onestar and I made a deal, of sorts, actually. Some might even consider our Clans one." Outcries of rage and disgust sprung up, from every Clan except his own, it seemed.

Blackstar's hackles were raised, and his fur was on end.

"Do you dare follow the actions of your father? I remember clearly when he tried to combine RiverClan and ShadowClan! It was a foolish plan, and he fell in the end! I know, because I stood by and supported him! Never will I make this mistake again! I will not stand by and watch destruction roam through this forest ever again!" With a yowl, he sprung at Bramblestar.

Down they went, with branches whacking their sides and cutting through their fur. The branches didn't break their fall, and their combined weight smashed through them. They hit the ground, and Bramblestar couldn't breathe. He lay there, stretching out his paws and gripping the grass, trying to haul himself up. His head spun and everything threatened to go black. His mouth gaped open and he yearned for breath. Finally, it came to him in gasps. Bramblestar felt a blow to his head, and then no more.

He felt a cat nudge him up, and then hastily dart to pin Blackstar down. He saw Hawkstar, standing over Blackstar with a paw on his throat. The big white tom struggled, but Hawkstar held him down.

"This is a reminder, Blackstar. Do not attack leaders during the Gathering." Blackstar got up to say something as Hawkstar stepped back, but Bramblestar roared over him.

"The Gathering is dismissed!" Onestar made his way down the branch and feebly stepped down to lead his Clan back home.

"Another one bites the dust," Bramblestar acknowledged to his half-brother. Hawkstar chuckled. "Why, thank you." He gave a mock bow. "All I had to do was tell the old fool that Leoparstar drowned, and he left it at that. You know that RiverClan and ShadowClan have never been friends anyway. Blackstar could care less if the RiverClan leader died." Bramblestar gave him a nod of, well, almost respect. "All I had to do was get Stonestream and Swallowtail to hold her down long enough nine times. She was groggy after every time she lost a life, so it was easy, really." Hawkstar loved gushing about his fabulous sinister plans, but Bramblestar only half-listened.

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