Part 6

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"Tawnypelt," he hissed quietly. She whipped around.

"Where are we?" she hissed. 

"The Dark Forest," Brambleclaw purred, pleased to see her spooked.

"This place gives me the creeps," Tawnypelt muttered. He bellowed a laugh.

"If you knew what went on here, you'd be running back to the real world." She gave him a peculiar look.

"Is our father expecting to recruit us again?" He threw back his head and roared a laugh again.

"He already has." She recoiled back as if a snake had lunged at her, which, could be his next method if this didn't work.

"Brother-" he leaped at her. She tried to dodge but he caught her ear with a vicious blow. She let out a hiss of pain. Her eyes widened. "What're you doing?!" He didn't answer but threw himself at her again. She scrabbled back, shaking her head in confusion.

"Don't do this! He is a liar!"

"Tigerstar never did this! Squirrelflight did!" Tawnypelt shook her head.

"Brambleclaw, is this what this is all about?" He chuckled.

"All about? It's about more than that." She looked like she wanted to say something else, but she suddenly sprinted towards him closing the short distance between them. He squared his shoulders, preparing to throw his weight against her, but she kept running. She slid underneath him and disappeared into the underbrush. He spat after her, taking off, but a voice stopped him.

"Let her go, brother." He reared around, growling furiously.

"And let her get away?! Hawkfrost, you are a fool if you think she won't tell every cat in the Clans!"

"Now, brother, calm down," he purred. "She won't. She'll be too shocked and surprised. She'll probably think she dreamed it. And, even if she does, we have high positions for too many cats to think badly of us. Mothwing's also very influential." Brambleclaw nodded, now understanding.

"Perfect," he growled and padded away. Hawkfrost followed him.

"We have a couple of new recruits."


"A cat named Bluebellbreeze mainly."

"Well that's a mouthful," replied a she-cat, slipping out of the shadows. Brambleclaw rolled his eyes, though Hawkfrost offered a shallow smile.

"And the other cats?"

"Two other she-cats, and three toms. More will come."

"Do any need training?" Brambleclaw asked, swiveling his head to face Mothwing. It had been her job to assess their fighting skills.

"All of them, except for Peachpaw and Bluebellbreeze."

"Peachpaw? Do you hear yourself? You recruited an apprentice? Who you claim doesn't need training?" Brambleclaw growled. He turned and stopped in front of Hawkfrost.

"This is what happens when you let a medicine cat judge a cat's skills." Hawkfrost gave Mothwing a questioning look but remained calm.

"Actually, she killed her leader and her mother," she declared with a smirk. Brambleclaw felt his expression give away briefly before it resumed its normal, We'll-see-about-that.

"I'd like to meet that apprentice," reasoned Hawkfrost, sliding between his half-brother and sister.

"That can be arranged," she replied curtly. He nodded.

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