Part 10

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Brambleclaw lay comfortably on the Highledge, the golden rays of sunshine streaming from the sky. He purred with pleasure as he soaked in the warmth they provided. He sat up and arched his back, trying to stretch out his muscles. 

He wished he could talk to Squirrelflight, but she had only woken up a couple of times and then drifted off again. Fury still burned in him as he remembered Firestar's words. He hadn't convinced Squirrelflight. He had punished the orange tom fiercely for that, making him sleep in the apprentice's den and not letting him eat for a couple of days. 
How did he ensure that Squirrelflight would wake up and choose him again? An idea struck him suddenly. 

"Brackenfur! Get Whitepaw, Rainwhisker, Thornclaw, Daisy, and Birchpaw," he called to the brown tom not far from him, making his way down the Highledge. He hesitated for a split second before heading off to get the others.

Once Brackenfur had gathered the others, they stood before Brambleclaw waiting for orders.
"I want you to do a few things for me," he started. "I want you to make a separate den for Squirrelflight. When she wakes up, fetch her prey. Give her fresh water, and give her anything she wants. You'll all alternate guarding this den for her, and no one is allowed to visit." They all looked at each other before one of them spoke up.

"But I can't hunt! I can't guard!" exclaimed Daisy. Brambleclaw almost hissed, almost losing his patience.

"Then learn. Or have them hunt, and you oversee the construction of the den." He unsheathed his claws, thinking of how Spiderleg had nearly killed Squirrelflight a couple of days ago. No one will ever hurt her again, he comforted himself, sheathing them again. "Give her the best of everything. You are here to meet her every need." He saw a couple of them look taken aback or unhappy but he didn't say anything else and padded away. They would move Squirrelflight there once the den was done.

"Brambleclaw!" meowed a voice from behind him. He had just finished organizing the patrols, as lately, they had been a bit behind on them. It had been a couple of days since he had put together a group to work on a new den for Squirrelflight, and they had just finished moving her to the enclosure.

He sighed and walked on, ignoring the cat. "I insist you stop!" commanded the voice again. He chuckled and looked up to see Sandstorm planted in front of him, blocking his way. 

"Shut up, you old piece of fox-dung," he finally responded, his eyes narrowing into slits. No cat "insists" I do anything.
He pushed his way past her, but she leaped ahead and stood in his way again. He dug his claws into the dirt below his paws. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Do what? Lie to everyone about everything?" All of the cat's attention was on them now. He laughed, but she continued. "You've hurt too many cats beyond for it to not go noticed now! Both of my daughters are injured and laying bruised in nests right now, and Firestar's been stripped of his power. ThunderClan is in shambles."

She raked her unsheathed claws across the ground in front of her. "I know what you've been doing this whole time. We all know. Trying to use power to convince Squirrelflight that you're worth her love. Trying to tell her to leave Ashfur. It's not going to work, Brambleclaw." His blood went cold, but he forced his fur to lie flat and his face to not convey any emotion.

"Sandstorm... stop. This is not the right path to go," murmured Firestar, taking a step toward her.

"I will not stand by and let ThunderClan fall to his leadership!" she snarled.

"You should listen to your mouse-brain of a mate for once, actually. As for what you said, I didn't lie about anything. I am the reason your daughter is alive right now. I found Squirrelflight when she was bleeding out and dying on the cold forest ground. You should be thanking me. I've done nothing to hurt her," he replied cooly. "I am helping ThunderClan more than Firestar ever did." Sandstorm hissed angrily, her eyes wild.

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