Part 9

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Squirrelflight's head shot up as Brambleclaw barged through the camp entrance, hissing at Daisy as he nearly bumped into her. Ashfur paused from licking his paw, and his eyes narrowed as he saw the tom make his way toward the medicine den.

"There he goes again," said Dustpelt, from behind her.

"He's always upset about something these days," agreed Ferncloud quietly. She glanced back and saw him meet her gaze, his eyes not wavering. She took this to mean that they were both on her side.

These days the camp had split into two groups, one who sided with Squirrelflight and Ashfur, and those who didn't. Among those who didn't were mostly cats who supported Brambleclaw and disagreed with Squirrelflight for leaving him. And those who didn't agree with Firestar's daughter avoided her like she had greencough. She turned back to Ashfur, sighing.

"I'm sorry I drowned you in this mess." He gave her a loving look.

"I chose to jump in with you," he replied, giving her one of those looks that made her heart warm.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," she purred affectionately, burying her muzzle in his shoulder. He licked her ear affectionately in return.

"Ah, young love," purred Ferncloud fondly, sharing a look with Dustpelt. Squirrelflight's eyes found Ashfur's as she gently pulled away from him.

"So you two are officially mates, I take it?" asked Longtail, who had been walking by with Cloudtail.

"Hadn't caught on yet?" joked Ashfur. They had been mates for a while now, though they hadn't necessarily made it public, as that would've drawn them more attention. Across the clearing Brambleclaw's mother, Goldenflower gave her a dirty look. Thornclaw and Spiderleg, who were sitting not too far from her, glanced at the medicine den where Brambleclaw had gone before swinging their heads around to give her wicked smiles. She looked away, feeling timid. But something bugged her. Why had they smiled? They definitely weren't on her side and Thornclaw had only recently switched to the side that was devoted to hating her for the rest of their lives. She shook the thought off and decided that she was being paranoid and irrational.

"Squirrelflight," said her father, suddenly appearing in front of her. Sandstorm was beside him, looking regretful. "I need to talk to you." She got up, giving Ashfur a shrug, and headed to an unoccupied part of the clearing. "Why did you choose Ashfur?" Firestar asked, almost timidly.

"I... I knew it wouldn't work out between Brambleclaw and I-"

"Stop!" he hissed. "Choose Brambleclaw. Don't- don't stay with that mouse-brain." She gaped at him, slightly taken aback by his words.

"What? I- no! Firestar-" she broke off, shaking her head. She rarely heard her father mad, or calling other cats names.

"Go back to Brambleclaw. You made the right choice before." Squirrelflight couldn't take it. Was the whole of ThunderClan trying to change her choice? Did they have nothing better to do than to talk about who she decided to be mates with?

"I made the right choice. Don't you try to convince me otherwise." She looked to her mother for support, but her mother looked away, a hint of guilt glisening in them. What was going on?

"Squirreflight..." her mother began.

"Don't you start in on me too!" she snapped. "I chose Ashfur because I'm not a mouse-brain, and I love him!" She whipped around and headed back toward Ashfur, Dustpelt and Ferncloud, not glancing back at them.

She wished there was someone she could truly trust and talk to. Squirrelflight didn't want to worry Ashfur with any more of her recent troubles. She remembered when she had confided in Leafpool about everything. They had been closer than most siblings, but she was still recovering, even though it had been a while ago when she's been attacked by the snake.

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