Part 14

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Every cat hung onto every word of Marsh's story. Not just because it was horrifying, but because it gave them hope. Another ally of the secret rebellion.

Marsh had found herself washed up on shore, and dragged herself to a small clearing, where she rested for a couple of days.

"There was a berry patch where I dragged myself. I survived by eating those for a couple of days and licking the dew off of the leaves and grass nearby. I thought I was going to die..." her voice shook, and she looked up at the cats again, before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"Every time I woke up and fell back asleep, I was convinced it was going to be my last time awake. I was so scared that I would die in my sleep, that no one would find me." She shook her head and gave a small, unexpected laugh.

"I had the strangest dreams too... some dark cat would visit my dreams, and just sit there and talk to me while I slept, and then tell me that it would be okay, to just stay alive a little longer." She looked up and stared straight past them all as if seeing something they couldn't.

"And?" prompted Tawnypelt gently, trying to nudge her along in the story.

"Right, yes," she continued. "A group of cats found me, the Sisters. Long story, but they helped me and did what they could for my leg, though it was a bit late." She extended her front leg, which Ashfur could see now was a little crooked at the paw. She pulled it back, going on.

"I asked if they knew anything about the Clans, and they didn't but pointed me in the direction where there was a 'lake' they had camped at a while ago- probably before the Clans settled here. After weeks, I arrived, hoping the whole time I was headed for the right place."

"And you were," said Ashfur softly, encouragingly, as she went silent again.

"Yes," she said, staring at him. "And I've come to seek justice for Jasper. To help, if you still want me to."

Blackstar nodded.


"We need to get Squirrelflight back!" exclaimed Ashfur, springing to his feet. He began pacing. "We should do it now, catch him off guard- we have enough cats, he hardly has a cat left in ThunderClan, and-"

"Ashfur," spoke Blackstar, giving him a significant glance. The gray tom went on like he hadn't said anything.

"We should have spies, in RiverClan, WindClan, and ThunderClan, too- I'll make Brambleclaw pay for everything he did, for even touching Squirrelflight, and for what he did to Jasper-"

"Ashfur." He paused and looked up at Blackstar this time. It was a small warning- "Don't get carried away. Focus."- it said. Nightcloud stood.

"We need a plan," she said in her cool voice.

"A good one," added Tawnypelt. "One that Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost can't stop. To take them both down."

"Well... sort of. Or you could turn them against each other," suggested Marsh. Blackstar straightened, turning his attention back to her.

"How?" She hesitated, then glanced up at him, then at Nightcloud, Tawynpelt, and Ashfur, before her gaze raked over the rest of the cats.

"It'd be better if I explained first."

Bramblestar watched on. A couple days had passed since the rogues had been introduced to ThunderClan. They were now warriors, and there had been no protest since the troublemakers were either dead or being held in RiverClan. Hawkfrost had special plans for them, and Bramblestar didn't want anyone who wasn't loyal to him in his camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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