Courtney x Fem!reader

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Warning! Homophobia and homophobic slurs are in this chapter!

*your pov*

I sighed as Chris told everyone about his little lie, I should've known we wouldn't be staying at a fancy resort like it was advertised. I mentally face palmed as Chris showed us our rooms. 

"It's separated by gender for more, obvious, reasons." Chris spoke out to everyone, looking straight at Duncan. I roll my eyes at Duncan, who just shot his arms ups in defensive as Chris stared him down. Lucky enough for me, this separation doesn't effect me as I myself, like women. Of course I never wanted to let anyone know that, and I intended on hiding it to the best of my ability. Although, I can't lie, a certain girl has already caught my attention. Totally my type. 

She seems really friendly, and said her name was Courtney. I just stared at her, somewhat in awe. I think she might've noticed, too. Not a big deal though because I can just say something to cover it up, as I always do. 

We had all walked into the cabin, pulling makeup brushes to decide who's going to sleep where. Everyone already partnered up, leaving just me and Courtney left. My luck is great. I laughed slightly, looking up at everyone else to notice that it was only me and Courtney left.

"Where'd everyone else go to already?" I ask her, slightly in shock with how fast they were gone. She giggled slightly at my surprised expression. God her laugh is so cute. I need to pull myself together, I mean I just met her a few hours ago! 

"They all went with the guys to a bonfire. Some of them are so boy crazy" She laughed, I sighed and realized that we hadn't picked our beds yet. I looked around and went to the only empty bunk bed left.

"Top or bottom?" I asked, turning to her and sitting down on the bottom bunk. Her face went to a light shade of pink and she coughed into her hand. I quirked an eyebrow at her, not realizing how the question sounds out-of-context.

"W-what?" She asked, her breathing a little unsteady.

"The beds, Courtney, top or bottom bunk?" I say again, being more clear this time as it started to dawn on me as to why she was flustered. She coughed again, I saw her body relax after she heard me. She walked over and looked at the beds. 

"I'll take top, if that's alright," she decided 

"Works for me," I respond, getting my stuff from the corner and getting my blankets out of my bag. I started to put my pillow cases on my pillows, officially claiming the bed as mine. I finished with the pillows and bent down to get the blanket that I had just discarded onto the floor, when I heard Courtney swear loudly. 

"Woah there, what's wrong?" I looked up at her on her mattress. She sighed an aggravated sigh and looked down at me. She looked both irritated and like she were about to cry. 

"I forgot my pillow cases" she let out with a sigh, and I felt bad. Only the lord knows how dirty these pillows are. I sighed and grabbed one of my pillows, removing the case and throwing it up to her. 

"I know we have two pillows but one is better than sleeping with nothing," I told her, readjusting my pillows with the covered one on top and then fixing my blanket on top. I finished my bed and looked over at my nightstand, pulling some books out from my bag and putting them in said nightstand. I heard a quiet 'thud' and turned to see Courtney now down from her bunk, right by my side. I was about to ask her if she needed something, she looked down at the ground and muttered a quiet 'thank you.'

I quirked an eyebrow and smirked at her now suddenly being more quiet. "Anytime," I said, giving her a smug look as her gaze hasn't left her shoes. It was kinda cute in all honesty. I mentally slapped myself, lecturing myself on thinking these kinds of things about a girl I just met. 

~time skip two weeks~

Courtney and I have gotten closer than ever, she was like a best friend to me. Although her little "I was a CIT" can get annoying at points. Other than that it's been fine. Other than the fact I've also developed a nasty crush on her and I see her get hit on by Duncan like 5 times a day. She doesn't look very interested in him, though. 

"And then he called me princess! It's so weird like he thinks he's my dad or something." I listened to Courtney talk about Duncan hitting on her, nodding my head along barely paying attention. "And he told me that he thinks I want to kiss him! The audacity of some men, and I don't even like guys!" She announced. I froze, and so did she. 

"I-I mean uhm I" she stuttered. I smiled lightly at her. 

"You're gay?" I asked her. She nodded, her head hung down, seemingly ashamed of herself. 

"Me too." I told her, looking at her as she slowly moved her gaze from the floor to my eyes. I saw a small blush on her cheeks and smiled. 

"Really?" She asked, her voice full of hope. I nodded. She smiled brightly and before I knew what happened, she embraced me with a tight hug. I smiled and hugged her back. 

"Well well well," we heard from behind us. It was Heather. "The camps newest couple to come. Or at least, we all know that's what you want, right Y/N? I've seen the way you look at her when she isn't looking. Simp central if you ask me. Faggot. It's sickening, really. You should seek therapy."

"Heather just leave them alone-!" Lindsay started, but was cut off. 

"Or how about those pages in your diary, hm?" Heather said, revealing my diary from behind her back. I lunged at her to get it but to no avail I couldn't reach it.

"Woah down girl," Heather laughed as she opened my diary to the most recent page. At this point there was a crowd around us. She started reading.

"God, I don't think I can keep my feelings to myself anymore. I just want one chance with her, although I don't think she could ever feel the same way I feel for her. Especially not with Duncan always smothering her-" She was cut off my the sound of branches and leaves getting stepped on and broken, smiling before she realized I had run off.

*Courtney pov*

I scoffed as the bitch in front of me smiled to herself as Y/N ran away. Wait. Y/N! Without a second of thought I rushed after her, not knowing where she went but trying my best to follow the sounds of leaves crunching and sticks cracking. The noise soon disappeared, and I had to follow my instincts. I was a CIT after all. I tried to call out her name, but nothing worked.

As minutes passed by, I started to lose hope on finding her. But I wasn't gonna give up. I had also developed feelings for her too. She was just so nice, complete opposite of me. I came into this expecting to use anyone and everyone to my advantage, but when I met her I couldn't help but feel completely different. I didn't wanna use her, she deserves the world and I want to be the one to give it to her. 

I heard sniffling up from a tree, I turned to look and much to my surprise there was Y/N, up in a tree, crying. I didn't stop to think even for a second about how this could've end up, I just used all my strength to climb up the tree too, getting to the same branch as her and sitting in front of her.

"What do you want?" She asked through sobs and broken words. I got sad from the sight. I'll make Heather regret the day she were born. 

I softly grabbed her hand, caressing her knuckles with my thumb as my own eyes began to fill with tears just from seeing Y/N I'm such a state. She titled her head up to look at me, her eyes were red and puffy. I cupped her cheek and softly grazed my thumb across it, wiping some of her tears away.

"I want you." I said calmly, and she looked taken aback. 

"Wha-what do you mean?" She asked, her breathing steadying. 

"I mean this." I brought her face closer to mine and kissed her, feeling sparks fly around us and she slowly kissed back. I broke the kiss and leaned my forehead against hers. "I want to be with you." I broke the silence.

"I want that too." She responded, nervously gulping. 

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