Dakota x Lightning - Fashion Trends

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*Lightning pov*

I had just woken up in the house I share with my fiancé, Dakota. We met on the show total drama and after the season ended we ended up giving each other our numbers and we've been inseparable ever since. We started dating about 3 years ago, and we got engaged about 2 months ago. 

I had become a pro football player, while Dakota was a fashion designer. It was time for me to go on live TV as something other than the star quarterback, and I needed help. I needed to find an outfit that would suit me best for when I went on the aftermath show, talking about the playoffs. 

My team had, unfortunately, not made it to the playoffs. Nobody really minded though. Except me, because now I'm stuck doing this talk show that starts in 1 hour and I have no idea what to wear.

"Babe would you calm down," Dakota giggled at me. "I think I have some outfit choices I can think of for you. Go to the closet and get your dark blue turtle neck, the one that's kind of tight, black pants with a black belt." 

"But that shirt is uncomfortable!!" I whined childishly.

"Beauty is pain, babe, what do you think I go through every day!" Dakota joked, making me smile at her. 

I went into the closet and grabbed the outfit. Once I had stepped back into the room she had instantly started styling me. 

"Take off your shirt." She said nonchalantly. 

"Sha-what?" I squeaked out, my old habit of saying "sha" before everything coming back for a second. 

"Take off your shirt? You need to get changed you only have 45 minutes Lightning!" She exclaimed at me as I looked at the clock on our nightstand.

I had hurriedly taken off my shirt and my pants, letting her tell me what to do with my outfit. She put the turtle neck on my and then put the pants on specifically so the shirt would be tucked into my pants. She then had me put on the belt and got my a silver watch from my nightstand drawer. 

She then went into the closet herself and when she came back out she was carrying two rings, a pair of boots and some other jewlery and accessories. 

Once she declared herself finished, she gave me a quick peck on the lips and said, "viola! You look as handsome as ever." 

I smiled at her. I looked at myself in the mirror, quietly admitting how nice I looked before I noticed what time it was. 

"Shit! I've got 30 minutes! I gotta run! Bye babe, I love you!" I yelled as I bolted out the door, worried I were to be late. 

"Call me when you're done!" I heard her yell from up the stairs. 

"I will!" I yelled back right before I went out the front door, into my car and starting onto the road. 

-Another wheel spin ship lmao i cant but also lowkey this story kinda cute-

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