Brick x Gwen- Storm

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There was a big storm forming outside, the news said to prepare for power outages around houses. 

"Hey Gwen when are you coming home, I think the power is about to go out, the lights are flickering" Brick said worried about the possible darkness  "I wont be home for about 30 minutes, there's a lot of traffic on the highway, make sure you get the flashlights out of the drawer Gwen responded comforting " I'll be home soon, just stay on the phone with me."

  they stayed on the phone for 10 minutes talking about random things to calm bricks nerves, he doesn't like the dark due to some childhood trauma.

  The once lit room turned to pitch black darkness "Gwen the lights turned off" his lips quivering tears threatening to spill.

  There are all types of unknown things in the darkness ones that nobody knows about. The roof shook from the strike of lighting that hit the Field a couple miles away from their home "Gwen I'm scared"  bricked muttered now shaking in the corner of their bedroom.

  "Just stay on the phone with me I'm 15 minutes away, i'm going as fast as I -c. "Gwen hello??" Brick yelled at the phone panicked.

  It was just the right time for the phone to have died. The noises in the dark got louder and the closer the thunder got the more tears spill out from bricks eyes. Barley holding the flashlight straight, shaking with fear. The front of the door opened and closed with a "SLAM" making brick flinch. "Who is that" he muttered frantically waving his flashlight around.

  The creaking of the stares becoming louder. His tears now turning into sobs "WHO IS THAT" "Brick it's me" Gwen's comforting voice echoed at the door way running to her boyfriend embracing him into a hug. "I'm sorry I'm here now, I won't ever leave your side."

(Btw this ship was chosen from a random wheel me and the co writer spun for these so the ships are
gonna be random)

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