Jasmine x Fem!reader

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*1st person pov*

I woke up to a noisy siren sound blasting throughout the island. It was only 7am yet Chris was already trying to make us run around like crazy people all for some money. It was honestly stupid, and the only reason I came here was to protect my brother who had auditioned to come on this show.

My brother, Shawn, isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He's constantly running around in fear that zombies are out to get him. It's my job to make sure he stays safe while he's here, but I wont lie when I say the last few weeks in this place has been torture.

Of course, not everything is bad. I like getting to meet these new people. Especially this one girl who seems to always catch my eye. Jasmine. Her and I talk quite a bit, even more because we're on the same team but she'll come over to my bed in the night to just talk. I don't know what she feels but I know at this rate I'm probably gonna catch feelings for her.

Not that I'm complaining about it, in fact I actually think about it a lot, about her a lot. I never would've known coming to this shit show to protect my crazy brother would end up in a elementary school level crush. I just want to know if she feels the same.

"Hey N/N! Wait up!" I heard the Australian yell out to me, causing me to stop in my tracks, 'waiting up' just like she had asked of me.

"What's up Jas?" I asked her. We had connected right away, giving each other nicknames and always joking around and making the other laugh. The other campers seem to get annoyed sometimes, but when I'm with Jasmine, I just don't care.

I stared up at her 7'5 figure, dozing off into my own world, wondering what a life with her would be like. Wondering if she would even like girls. Obviously she came to notice my staring. She snapped in my face.

"Hey, mate, you good?" She asked, seeming to be worried about me.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah all good here, so what's up?" I repeated from earlier, scratching the base of my neck anxiously.

"I asked if you wanted to ditch this place for a while, I found a great spot to chill. Just the two of us." I felt my face heat up, she wanted to be alone with me. Not like we haven't been alone before, but this time it felt different. I was gonna ask about Chris but decided being with her would be worth even more than a million dollars.

"Yeah! Lead the way."

She started walking through the woods for a good 5 minutes before she stopped in front of a tree. Behind it was a flower garden, with a picnic set up with actual real food there.

"Woah, Jas, this place is beautiful! But why'd you bring me-" I got cut off mid sentence with the feeling of her lips on mine. My eyes widened with shock, as I slowly leaned into her embrace and kissed her back. She put her hands on my waist as we kissed like reckless hooligans.

"Y/N, be my girlfriend?" She asked nervously.

"I would love to."

The end lmao this is so short but im actually in love w jasmine and trust i will be making a longer story for her also its so rushed bc me and the cowriter was doing a timed writing challenge with a wheel of names lmao 

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