Flattery ~ Izzy x Fem!Reader

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"Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Oh really? I think it's working..."

Chapter contains drinking and smoking lol and slight lime lmao


*Y/N* pov

I blushed as I woke up next to Izzy. Me and her weren't close, barely something you can consider friends. We had our moments, though. Romantic moments, flirtatious moments. We definitely weren't just friends, if we were even friends at all.

Her arms were around me, hugging me tightly to her as if she were afraid I would leave her. I remember last night well enough.

 Geoff threw a party. I went because my friends were going. We were having a good time. I didn't do anything close to what they did, though. They were drinking and smoking pot. The most I did was hit Duncan's vape, which he had forgotten about and left with me all night. 

As I took another hit, I heard a familiar voice come up behind me. 

"Smoking is bad for you, princess." I felt her whisper right next to my ear, making me gasp and drop Duncan's stuff. Her hands wrapped around my waist and she was hugging me from behind. 

"Oh yeah? You're one to talk, I've seen you higher than the trees." I argued playfully, trying to leave her grasp, only for her to pull me back into her.

"Mmm well I needed a reason to come talk to you, and now I have a beautiful girl in my arms." She whispered the last part in my ear, making a shiver run down my spine. 

I laughed at her lightly, "how much have you drank tonight Iz?" I asked her as I spun around so we were face to face. 

"I haven't drank anything. As soon as I got here I came looking for you." She told me truthfully. I blushed and looked away from her, embarrassed. "You are so cute when you blush, y'know that?" She smirked at me.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Iz." I told her, still not making eye contact. 

"Mmm I think I'm getting somewhere," she tiled my chin up with her finger, kissing my cheek right before Courtney walked in, making me and Izzy detach quickly and act like we were just having a conversation. 

"Hey Court!" Izzy yelled excitedly, going over and hugging Courtney, who seemed out of it herself. I bent down and picked up Duncan's shit, wiping it off with my shirt before going to the balcony. I was alone with my thoughts.

I hated how Izzy could just mindlessly flirt with me, but what I hated more was how it worked. How she could make me blush so easily. How she knew it was working, but I would never tell her that. 

After being alone for like 10 minutes, just staring into the night sky, someone came out. I looked over and sighed. It was Izzy, again. 

"What do you want, Iz?" I asked, obviously irritated. 

"Oh..I'm sorry do you want me to leave?" She replied, obviously seeing how upset I was. I felt bad. 

"No, stay." I said, a little to fast and it came out as desperate. "If you want.." I added quietly, staring into the sky again. She pulled up a chair and sat next to me. We sat in silence for a little bit, this happens a lot. We just sit with each other, not talking. We were just comfortable with each other. 

I looked into her eyes, she was staring into the sky, not noticing me. As I was watching her, I got reminded of all our moments, all the flirting. I swear I tell her the same thing every time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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