Is that mine? ~ Lindsay x Fem!Reader

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*Y/N* pov

My girlfriend, Lindsay, was without a doubt the most popular girl at school. So when one of the school's jocks, Tyler, asked her out and she said no, the entire school was confused. Everyone was certain Lindsay had it bad for Tyler. 

"What? I never said I liked you....uhm, sorry what was your name again?" She said, and half the school had heard it. Half the school heard her turn Tyler down in the most brutal way she could've in that moment. Everyone forgave her, though, because she was the typical 'airhead' girl. I knew her better than that. 

Of course, me and her have been together for almost two months, and it's been great. We're always hanging out together outside of school, or we'd sneak to the bathroom at a party just to get a little bit more alone time. We weren't out publicly though, she wasn't ready to come out. I was willing to wait for her to be ready. 

Right now, me and her are in the bathroom of  a party, just talking about whatever's on our minds. One thing about Lindsay, she always wears this one hoodie, everywhere she goes. It's basically her signature look. Everyone knows it's her even by seeing the color of it. She was wearing it tonight, she looked so perfect.

I smiled at her while she was talking. She tilted her head t me in confusion once she realized I wasn't really listening anymore, and just staring at her. 

"What? Do I have lipstick on my teeth or something?" She asked me, turning to the mirror to find what I was looking at. 

I laughed at her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me. "No, Linds, you're just really pretty." I told her, looking into her eyes. She smiled softly at me and kissed me. I kissed her back and rested my hands on her hips as we kissed.  Her arms flung around my neck. 

We stopped kissing, but stayed in the position we were in. 

"This party blows, wanna get out of here?" She asked me. This was also common, after our little bathroom visits we'd usually leave. Of course, we'd have to leave separately. I would climb out the bathroom window and meet her at my car, while she left normally. 

"I'd love to." I answered, leaving our position and walking over to the window. Right when I was on the roof, Lindsay walked over and pecked my lips softly. 

"Please be careful." She told me, and I laughed at her. 

"I always am." I kissed her hand gently before turning to climb down the roof. She left the house and walked over to my car, seeing me already in the drivers seat. She got in the car and turned on the radio, just sitting there for a second. 

"It's so hot in here, give me a second." She said and she started reaching to take off her hoodie, throwing it into the backseat. I started driving as me and her sung along to every song that came on, holding one of her hands while I drove with the other. After a few minutes, we reached her house. 

"Mmm bye baby," she looked at me and gave me a peck on the lips. 

"Bye," I replied, watching her leave the car and waiting for her to get inside her house before driving off. I got to my house and changed into my night clothes, brushing my teeth and grabbing my phone. I texted Lindsay goodnight, waiting for her to say it back before going to bed.

The next morning, I drove myself to school. Lindsay always gets a ride from Heather or Beth. I was cold that morning, even though it was 70 degrees, I was a generally cold person. I looked at the backseat and saw Lindsay's hoodie. I thought about it for a second before I reached back and grabbed it, putting it on. It smelled just like her, I took a deep breath as I walked into the building, feeling some eyes on me. 

I went into my homeroom class, sitting at my desk. Waiting for Lindsay to arrive, even though at school we barely acted like we knew each other. I didn't mind though, I knew she loved me. After a few minutes, Lindsay and Heather walked in together. Lindsay, obviously not wearing her hoodie, was making everybody around jaw's drop.

Lindsay smiled at me but didn't notice anything at first. I was a little surprised because to everyone else it was so obvious. I got up from my seat to sharpen my pencil, and that's when I heard a gasp from the blonde. 

"Is that my hoodie?!" She practically yelled, but she wasn't mad. She seemed excited. She ran up to me and hugged me. "I didn't know you had it! I thought I lost it last night." She buried her head in my neck, I looked around and saw all eyes on us. I got embarrassed. "You look so good in it baby, you should wear my stuff more often." She just called me baby, in front of our entire class. I looked around again, jaws were dropped, eyes were wide, but my focus was soon forced off the eyes on us when Lindsay grabbed me and kissed me. 

I kissed her back, forgetting all about everyone else. I had my girl, that's all I need.


Kinda short but who cares, also idk kinda rushed

911 words

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