Magic School ~ Heather x Fem!Reader

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*lime warning* 


It was my first day at this new school, and I was scared. I know it's a safe place for humans and every other creature in existence to get along at, but knowing the types of creatures that were gonna be here was terrifying. The type of thing to make a normie, like me, pee their pants. It wasn't supposed to be scary, the stereotypes were all outdated. They weren't gonna hurt anyone, they're basically humans, even though they aren't. 

I felt bad for being scared, it's just all I was taught growing up. You should've seen how my family reacted when I had told them this is where I was going to study. They all practically fainted. It was terrible. Although, they had to admit that the school was great and known for the successful people to have come from it.  

I waved goodbye to my family as they drove off, allowing myself to take a step further into the gates of the school. It was so big, I was trapped in a daze. Or at least I was until a figure came running at me at an inhuman speed. I froze in shock, and I couldn't even tense my body up to somewhat soften the blow.

I braced myself for impact until the person stopped right in front of me, their body dangerously close to mine. I looked up at the person, seeing a boy there with a green mohawk and multiple piercings with some tattoos showing due to him wearing a tanktop. 

"Who are you?" He asked me, his voice hiding hints of annoyance and curiosity.

I didn't wanna back down to him, make him think he intimidated me. Make him think he made me nervous, even though he had.

"My names Y/N. It's my first day here." I answered him, not bothering to ask him who he was. He seemed like trouble anyways.

"Ohhh so you're the fresh blood Dean McLean told us about. Welcome to the academy, princess." He leaned down to kiss my hand. His eyes widened when my hand jolted away. 

He cleared his throat, "My names Duncan." He said in a normal tone, scratching the back of his neck. Before I could even respond, a new voice came in, with several footsteps around it. 

"Duncan, leave the poor girl alone." A girl had spoke out, her expression showing her obvious dislike for Duncan. 

"C'mon Courtney, I'm just introducing myself to her!" He argued with her. "What's the problem with making new friends?" 

"There's no problem with making new friends. The problem is you're a sleeze who can't keep it in his pants." Another spoke up, not looking up from her phone. 

She was so pretty. She had long black hair, a red crop top on with some shorts. Her nails were painted a nice shade of burgundy to match her outfit. She looked enticing, inviting even. The way she spoke, too. So calm and so nonchalant, so confident in herself. Definitely a girl worth dying for.

As if she could read my thoughts, I saw her look up at me and smirk. It made my knees go a little weak, but I forced myself to push past that thought and focus on Duncan arguing with Courtney.

"You're so unbelievable, y'know that Duncan?" I wonder what about Duncan makes Courtney so mad. 

They continued arguing, and I tried to find a way to stop them from arguing but every time I started to think, my eyes would wonder over to the girl on her phone who wasn't even paying attention. Like she was used to this. I bet she was used to it the way they can fight non stop. 

Suddenly, another guy had appeared, obviously because he had heard the relentless bickering between the two. He had stepped to where I was, and just before he was about to intervene, he looked at me. 

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