⚠️Into You ~ Heather x Fem!Reader

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Smutty smut smut warning 
I've also decided every time I write smut I'mma put ⚠️ there as a warning



Heather and I met at a high school party 3 months ago. She didn't even go to our school. She was just invited because that is quite literally how popular she is. She had multiple boyfriends, one long term and two or three side hoes. Of course, she didn't really like any of them, she didn't even like boys. She told me that the night we met, at that very party. Of course I knew who Heather was, everyone did. I saw her at that party walk in with a boy named Alejandro.

Alejandro was a true charmer, him and Heather would have been an iconic couple. He was, of course, her long term boyfriend. They walk into every party together. Unbeknownst to Alejandro, however, her side hoes were already there as well, waiting for him to leave her side so they can strike. The one who makes his move first is usually her second victim, Duncan. 

Duncan is what you would call your cliché movie bad boy who smokes in the schools bathroom and gets suspended for getting into fights. Duncan actually already had a girlfriend when Heather had approached him, and she completely destroyed their relationship. He's waiting for it to be his chance to destroy her relationship with Alejandro so he can her, all to himself. Except he doesn't know about her other little toy, Trent. 

Trent was more of a soft boy, so to speak. He played the guitar and would definitely write a song about you. He's the kind of guy you would want to take home to your parents, let him meet your younger brother, that kinda guy. I don't know why Heather really decided she needed to pick him up too. All I know is, Duncan and Trent don't know about each other.

She let them believe that whenever her and Alejandro break up, it's their turn to have her. Nobody else touching her but them. Although, I know that isn't true. None of what she's ever told them has been true. That night, at the party, I saw it all. 

She walked in with Alejandro, she talked and laughed with all her friends while he stayed by her side. Until, he left to go to the bathroom. Then, Duncan walked up to her and asked to 'speak to her' privately. Duncan, unfortunately, doesn't know what the word privately means. He took her over to the punchbowl and kissed her. He asked her when she was breaking up with Alejandro, desperate to have her to himself. She just giggled and made a joke about him being jealous. 

Heather then spotted Alejandro, so she pushed Duncan away and started to make a scene. 

"EW!! As if! If you touch me like that ever again I swear to god I will make your life hell, Duncan!" She yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, and then she smiled. She smiled and Alejandro came up behind Duncan and hit him over the head with a glass cup he picked up. She backed away, giggling to herself as she made these boys fight over her. She backed away, until she ended up backing into me. 

"Shit- I'm sorry." She said, looking up at me. 

"I saw what you did there." I told her bluntly. "It's crazy how with basically one touch, you can turn every guy you meet into a murderer, just for you." I let her take in what I was saying.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean?" She tilted her head and smiled at me. She wasn't offended, I think she liked the fact that someone other than her knew the power she actually had. 

"I saw you and Duncan kiss, right when your boyfriend left. Then, I saw you manipulate the situation when your boyfriend came back." I explained further. "You want to get caught doing something, I know you do Heather. You just don't want it to be now." 

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