Dj x Reader

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You were new to the school, due to your moms work you had to move schools frequently, you didn't even bother making friends knowing you would have to leave them sooner or later.

  The principal Chris  walked up to you one day while you were eating breakfast "hey you didn't sign up for a club yet, students here are required to at least sign up for one, here are a list of them that you can choose from" he said placing a sheet of paper down in front of you. You never planned on signing up for a club just because you would probably have to leave it.

   Stuffing some cereal in your mouth you picked up the piece of paper looking at the assortment of clubs to join.

  As you were scanning the page you saw a club that struck your interest "the animal club" you liked animals if you could you would probably have a whole room full of them,  but that wasn't possible and you knew it.

  "What room is it in? You thought scanning the page Room 405 "I'll stop there after class" you said eating your cereal again.   Knocking on the door to the club room a couple times on the third knock you wondered if anyone was even there, as you were about to walk about a tall handsome man with a bunny on his head answered the door " Sorry I was tryna put the ferrets away, they're really fast on there feet" he said chuckling his laughter making your heart skip a beat and your cheeks turn red " I was wondering if there was any opening in the club??" "Oh are you new here" he asked curiously taking the bunny down and stroking its long mane of hair.

  "Oh yeah it's my third day here" you muttered rubbing the back of your neck. "Yeah I thought that because I've never seen you around here before, come in" he made a gesturing movement inviting me in to the room.

  I looked around at all the different animals and reptiles it was literally the room of my dreams. I stared in aww looking at the snake in its cage, my mom never would let me get one due to how much we moved around. "That's Barty" Dj said which I later found out was his name interrupted

  we just got him a month ago. I turned around in embarrassment for letting my fan girling get the best of me he probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

  "So why are you interested in the animal club" he asked sitting on one of the stools and looking directly in my eyes. "Well the principal told me I had to join one and I really like animals" I said shyly "that's cool" dg said putting the bunny in its cage. "Well I would love for you to join the club" he smiled a warm smile at me I smiled back at him and started some small talk "so did you make this club?" "Yeah I did, it took a lot to convince the school to do it, but the students enjoy coming in and hold the snakes and bunnies" "that's nice" we started having some small talk after that I could feel myself having a crush on him but I know I would have to get over it soon.

(Sorry the end was very rushed I only had 20 minutes to finish it)

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