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                        SVETLANA KNEW SHE DIDN'T WAIT FOR PERMISSION FROM NIKOLAI, but she knew it was granted regardless. She has been a good pup for months, doing exactly what was asked of her and what was assigned to her, he wouldn't dare deny this from her.

But she was still facing a bit of an obstacle; Sophia is insisting on coming back with her. No matter how much she argued, Sophia would find a way to convince Svetlana to let her come along.

"It's not safe." Svetlana had said, and Sophia brushed her off. "When was Ketterdam ever safe for Grisha? Hmm?"

"You can get really hurt"

"I've been through worse before surly."

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"I'm the one who reported this to you, didn't I? I know exactly what's going on. Better than you."

Svetlana gave up eventually, and she let Sophia ride her own horse all the way to Os Kervo. They had to stop multiple times to let the animals rest, and they'd have a snack before riding into the night again. The sun was peaking through the dark by the time they reached the docks and got the paperwork that allowed them on board.

"You can still back out, you know? Go back to the Little Palace, sleep in big warm beds, have a good warm meal and refreshing baths." Svetlana had told her, one last attempt at getting Sophia to change her mind, but even as her mouth watered and her body sloughed, Sophia shook her head. "Those Grisha are my duty. Our duty. We have to do this."

Their eyes locked, and Svetlana searched deep within her, trying to find any trace of... anything, really. She wanted to understand her, get a hold of her mind, and decipher every thought that passed through. But as her pair of bitter coffee eyes stared back at her, Svetlana knew she was being truthful. There's nothing to hide here.

Three years ago, when Svetlana started up her 'business' in Ketterdam, in Little Ravka, she had sworn to keep the Grisha she could find safe and protected. She had made that vow to Sophia back then, and she's going to do her best to keep it now.

Karina Kozlov may be a con, a thief, and a liar, but Svetlana Milkovich keeps her promises. Even if she'd come to regret them later. She'd always keep her promises.

She'd missed this, Svetlana realized. Being out in the sea, feeling the salty breeze wash over the deck and sweep into the hood of her cloak. It felt good, and so, so much different from the last time she was on a ship.

She had been with Alina and Mal then, being held by the Darkling as he forced her brother to track down a mythical creature of deep waters and ocean horrors.

She didn't have the best experiences on sea, but this was calming and soothing. There was no Darkling here, there was no Sturmhond or pirates, it was just her, Sophia, and the True Sea.

When Ketterdam came into view, Lana almost felt her heart leap into her throat. She clutched at the railing as the crew worked around the deck, getting the ship to sail right into Fifth Harbor. Sophia appeared beside her, pulling her cloak back onto her head. "Welcome home, Karina."

Ketterdam looked exactly the same. Before docking into the harbor, the city lights were the only thing visible from the distance. The familiar fog had taken its rightful place atop the surface of the water and on the cobblestone ground. It still stank of that Saints-awful smell, and it still looked like death lurked at its every corner.

It was familiar though, and it felt more like home than Ravka ever did.

The moment she made it off the ship, a wave of nostalgia crashed into her. She remembers the first time she got here, off at this very dock, getting lost in the canals and alleyways of Ketterdam. She remembers the last time she left, hood over her head like she's doing right this very moment, a bag secured around her shoulders, and a dark future without the knowledge if she'll even make it past the Fold.

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