Chapter 1- The Woods

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Chapter 1- The Woods

While sitting around the campfire last night, the most amazing thing almost happened! Oh my gosh it was wonderful what was about to happen to me, but then... something completely different happened. Something awful.

My friends, their boyfriends, and I heard something rustling in the woods loudly, and it sounded like "it" was coming closer. We all hid behind the trees, and since we hid on the opposite side of the sound; We were doing a pretty good job. The boys were frantically checking to see if their girls were okay. The creature or whatever it was; Stopped right where we were. There was a scream.....

Ashley was gone!

Brian started to freak out. He didn't know what to do. Kevin, Rachel, Logan, and Lilly tried to calm him down, but failing miserably. His fists were flying everywhere; His legs kicking into the trees. Then suddenly one of his fists hit Logan in the face and knocked him out.

"Really Brian?!" Lilly screamed at him. "What?!?" Brian screamed back at her.

"Well...umm..oh I don't know...its just you...KNOCKED MY BOYFRIEND OUT!!" Her face was red as a cherry, her fists clenched together tightly, almost as if waiting to him.

"Guys stop fighting! We need to find Ash before it's too late!" Rachel said.

"Be- Before it's too late?! Okay guys w- we really need to f- find Ash," Brian stuttered, trying to hold back the tears, "What happens if we don't find her? What happens if she gets eaten? Or if she gets raped? What if-," just before he could finish Rachel interrupted:

"Dude calm down we're going to find her." She stated calmly, "I promise."


After walking through the woods for awhile; They stopped by some open circle in the middle of the woods. Where, by chance, they all spotted Ash. They jumped in excitement. They started to run towards her, but before they could get close enough; they saw a small gang of three boys.

They hid behind the forest's trees making sure the girls were okay, but completely ignoring their friends. They heard a shrill scream-... again.

"Rach," Lilly whispered to Rachel, "Brian is gone." This was seriously happening to her right now. This isn't real. It can't be. She thought that over and over again in her head. She just didn't know what to do, but then a thought occured, "Come on guys let's get out of here," she whispered to them.


Ashley's P.O.V

Oh no, this can't be happening to me right now. I thought to myself over and over again.

I'm with some gang I don't know. I am freaking out, I don't know where to run; if I could run at all. I don't even know what to do!!!!

I don't know if my friends could even help me in this situation....

"Well, hello there pretty lady," he said with a smirk and that creepy 'I'm a creep' wink.

"What do you want from me?" I said, meaning to be intimidating, but failing, looking all scared like. I felt my face was heating up, becoming red, as sweat was dripping down my back and forehead.

"I'm Austin," he said putting his hand for mine to shake, but I refused, even though I have to admit, he was a little cute. He wore a plain white t-shirt with a black jacket. His jeans were sagging, but not sagging too much, so you couldn't see his ass. His jeans are also ripped up on both sides. His eyes are bright green, like gazing into an emerald birth stone. He was wearing a Miami Heat SnapBack backward. (So yeah, kinda cute.)

"I'm not shaking your hand. Why did you kidnap me? Where am I? I'm so confused!"

The boys were all just standing there, while each was pushing another to go up to her first.

"CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?!?" I thought to herself for a second thinking "Why did I say that ugh! I'm so stupid!" The boys came over closer to her.

"Look beautiful we're not going to hurt you. We're just going to-" he got knocked down by Austin.

As he slammed him into the ground, he grabbed his collar and screamed into his face. "Dude don't tell her right away!"

"Tell me what?"

They stared her down and Austin pushed her to the ground and said "you're not going anywhere, girl."


"Like he said pretty lady, you're notgoing anywhere." One of the guys said, stepping closer while showing a wicked, creepy, "I'm gonna rape you" smile.

"We'll see about that," I said, shooting a glare at them.

"Oh really," the other guy said with a smirk, also stepping closer so that I was boxed in (even though there were only three guys).

Oh please.... God help me!

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