Chapter 12- You're Alive?

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Chapter 12- You're Alive?

Logan's P.O.V

After I finished singing "I Would" to Lily, I saw a huge smile on her face and tears of joy. I was about to say 'did you enjoy the song' but instead she ran up to me and kissed me passionately on the lips for a long time.

"Logan, this is beautiful! How did you do it?" I knew Lily would love it! I only did it for her because I love her and I care for her so much.

"I just, you know, had a little help," I smirked and she looked over to all of the people that helped me: the hair stylists/make up people, the people who helped me pick out the dresses and jewelry, and last but not least Austin. Lily ran over to give them a huge hug and thank them.

"Logan, I can't believe you did all of this!" Lily smiled.

"I just wanted you to be happy babe," I gave a gave her small kiss on the lips. "Now, shall we go eat that delicious food that is on the table over there."

"Yes, we shall. I'm starving." Lily said grabbing her stomach like it was empty.

"Here you go my lady." I pulled out her chair for her to sit in. Lily, sat in the chair and I pushed the chair back in.

"You are such a gentle men." She said and I blushed.

"And you are such a fine youn-" I got interrupted by Austin screaming.

"BLAKE HAS ASHLEY!" Austin screamed in terror.

"AGAIN! DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS!?" Lily sounded excited, but in terror at the same time.

"I-I JU-JUST GOT A-A TEXT FR-FROM BR-BRIAN...." my eyes widened and my heart rate started speeding up. Any minute now I felt like I was just about to pass out. How, how can he still be alive.

"Br-Brain is a-alive." I shockingly said.

"Where do you think he could be? Is he alright? Did he find Ashley? Do you think-," Lily got cut off.

"Lily, nobody knows. All we can do is hope for the best." I went over to her side and so did Austin so we could comfort each other. I'm praying that they will be okay and Brain doesn't die again.


Ashley's P.O.V

"Blake get off of me!" I yelled at me pushing him off of me.

"Come on baby I'm just having a little fun." Blake smirked at me. I tired to run to the door, but instead he grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him, "Don't even think about it."

"Oh, I will think about it." I got lose of his grip and headed straight for the door.

"Oh, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. You stupid bitch," Blake tackled me to the ground, "you just don't listen. Actually, you never did listen to me, did you?" Blake was over top of me and his hands grabbed my arms so I couldn't move.

"No, I never did because of the way you treated me! That's why I moved into the woods with Brian because I knew that he would take care of me and make sure I don't get hurt anymore. But no, you had to follow me into the woods didn't you! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR GOODNESS SAKE!?" I yelled at him and then I saw something that I'd never seen in my life. Blake's face softened up when I said that to him, but it quickly turned into anger and frustration.

"You want to know why, okay I'll tell you why! I only followed you because...because... I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU ASH! ALL OF THOSE TIMES I HURT YOU IS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! I NEVER LIKED BRIAN, NEVER! I WANTED TO BE WITH YOU EVERY SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR AND NOT BRIAN!" Blake scream in frustration and kissed me passionately on the lips. I pushed him off of my lips.

"Blake, how I could I love you when you killed Brian, kidnapped me, trying to rape me, and made my past a living hell. Blake, don't you see what damage you've caused to me." I felt a slight tear stream down my face. Blake finally got off of me, picked me up, and slammed me to the wall. He ripped off my shirt and he did the same to his. He threw the clothes to the ground and started kissing me again. I hated this so much; it can't get much worse then this. Of course, yet again I spoke too soon, he unzipped my pants and took his off too, he threw them to the ground again. CRASH! We heard a loud noise.

"Go all the way back into the closet and stay there." Blake pointed to the back of the closet and I slowly walked back there. I also grabbed my clothes so I could put them on. All of a sudden I saw the door fly right open and right in front Blake was Brian.

"BRIAN!" I yelled in excitement.


"Bitch, you're not going to get anybody. I already have Ashley, she loves me and never wants to be apart from me ever again." Blake smirked.

"Yeah, right." Bran took a swing at Blake's jaw and Blake fell to the ground. Brian ran over to my side and helped me put my clothes back on.

"Brian," I gave him a huge hug, "I can't believe you're alive!" I said as he helped me up.

"Well you know-," my eyes widened, my heart racing, and my body shaking. I saw Blake have his gun out and pointed at Brian.

"Say bye bye bitch!" Blake smirked as he took the shot.

"BRIAN LOOK OUT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it was too late. Blake shot Brian right in the chest and Brian fell. I lost him, I lost him again! This can't be happening right now. I lost my.. brother, again. Only this time, he was really dead. Tears fell from eyes, sobs erupted from my mouth, and my knees fell straight the ground onto Brian's bloody body. I looked up to see Blake walking over to me.

"Looks like your little hero failed again." Blake chuckled.

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I screamed in terror with a mix of sorrow.

"ASHLEY!" I heard someone yell.

"ASHLEY WHERE ARE YOU!" I heard another yell; I knew exactly who it was too it was Austin and Logan. Let's just hope they don't get shot too.

"Say a word and you will be gone too." I nodded my head and Blake walked me out of the closet, down the stairs where we saw AJ and Alex laying on the floor unconscious, and out of the house. Of course, when we were out of the house I didn't listen to Blake and screamed at the top of my lungs.

"AUSTIN! LOGAN! BLAKE HAS ME OVER HERE!" Blake looked at me with anger. He threw me on the ground as hard he could and took the gun out to point it at me.

"You never listen do you slut! I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP, BUT NO! YOU JUST COULDN'T KEEP THAT LITTLE MOUTH OF YOURS SHUT COULD YOU! BUT I KNOW SOMETHING THAT WILL KEEP THAT MOUTH OF YOURS SHUT FOR GOOD!" I covered my eyes so I couldn't see myself get shot. He shot me...I thought getting shot would hurt a lot, but I guess not. I opened my eyes to see where I got shot, but there was no blood. That could only mean one thing. I looked up and saw Blake knocked out by Austin and Logan. They both came running to my side.

"Ash, are you okay?" Austin said with his sweet voice.

"Y-yes, yes I am." I looked him into his hazel eyes.

"Ashley, we almost forgot to tell you!" Logan said in excitement.

"Wha-what is it?" I questioned.

"BRIAN IS ALIVE!" They both yelled in excitement. My eyes started watering up again and my heart racing also. The one thing they didn't know was Brian was alive, but not anymore. I started crying into Austin shirt, but Austin stopped and sat me down.

"Ashley, what's wrong?" Austin said curiously.

"I thought you would be happy that Brian is alive." Logan said rubbing my back. That made me cry even harder because he said "Brian is alive" when he really isn't.

"Br-Brian. h-he really is-isn't a-alive." I stuttered. I saw there eyes widened when I told them he wasn't alive.

"Ashley are sure?" Austin said in hope.

"Y-yes, I SAW BRIAN GET SHOT WITH MY OWN EYES! BRIAN WAS TRYING TO SAVE ME, BUT BLAKE SHOT HIM AS WAS WARNING HIM! IT WAS TOO LATE! IT WAS TOO LATE I TELL YOU! TOO LATE!" I was crying non-stop now with sobs coming from my mouth. Austin and Logan gave me a hug telling me it was going to be okay, but when it really wasn't going to be okay.

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