Chapter 13- It's Been Awhile

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Chapter 13- It's Been Awhile

Ashley's P.O.V

2 Months Later

It's now September and school is starting. I'm history class right now. Lily and Kevin are sitting right next to me and they say hi. You're probably wondering what happened after I saw Brian get shot by Blake. So here's my life now: Austin and I broke up because of the summer ending and going our separate ways. Lily and Logan are still together, but it's not going to well because last Saturday Lily caught Logan will another girl and Logan caught Lily with another guy. I know what you're thinking 'why are Lily and Logan still going out?' Well that's only because their mom's are really close and they want them to stay together. Blake, Alex, and AJ are all in the same school as me, but they don't bother me anymore because I caught Blake almost committing suicide. I really don't like talking about it because I promised Blake that I wouldn't tell anybody. Blake and I are like best friends now and I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Alex, AJ, and Blake all apologized on what they did to Brian and me in the past. I forgave them, but I really don't talk to Alex and AJ that much because they haven't been doing so well with Blake. Brian has been dead for 2 months now and I miss him so much. I have a picture of him hanging up in my locker because I j don't want to ever forget him.

Now, you're probably wondering about Rachel. Rachel, she was an amazing person. Notice how I said was. She kind of um, committed suicide. Rachel, jumped off a bridge last month because of Brian, Kayla, and Kevin. If you don't remember Kayla, she was the one that wanted Kevin while he was dating Rachel.

"Ashley, Ashley, ASHLEY!" Lily yelled in my face trying to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Uh-what-, oh shit sorry my bad." I mumbled as I got up from my seat and started packing up my things to go to lunch.

"Come on! They're having tacos for lunch! It's not everyday you get to have tacos for lunch!" Kevin cheered in excitement. I just notice something, I'm the only one who really changed over the summer.

"Wait Kevin! Slow down!" I laughed at Kevin as he was pushing people out of the way to get to the cafeteria. Lily and Logan were right behind us trying to catch up.

"Ashley over here!" Blake called from the table.

"Kevin, you get the food and I will go over to Blake." I smiled as I walked over to Blake.

"Hey Ash." Blake smiled as he stood up to give me a hug.

"Where's Alex and AJ?" I asked looking around for them.

"Oh, um, well. We all got into another fight and I think this time we will all be going our separate ways for good." Blake said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"So, I guess this just leaves Kevin, Lily, Logan, you, and me. Wow, we really lost a lot of people." I said a little upset.

"Everything will be okay, I promise." Blake said as he tried to calm me down, but the words 'I promise' were stuck in my head. Those words just reminded of someone or something, but I have no clue what.

"LOGAN!" I snapped my head to see where the shout came from, but I wasn't surprised who it came from. It was Lily. Another fight as usual.

"Hear, let me get some napkins." Logan said annoyed. I mean I wouldn't blame him though.

"NO, I AM DONE WITH YOU! I AM SO GLAD I'M MOVING TO LONDON TOMORROW SO I DON'T HAVE TO SEE, HEAR, OR BE WITH YOU EVER AGAIN!" Lily screamed right in Logan's face. Logan looked like he was about to cry right there right now. Wait a minute, Lily is moving to London? Why didn't she tell me? This life is going down hill for me, oh wait a minute it already has. Logan stormed right out of the cafeteria and into the hallways.

"I'll be back." I said to Blake as I ran after Logan.

"Logan wait up!" I yelled after him as I saw him turn into the schools alley way.

"Just leave me alone Ashley. I just want to be alone." Logan sobbed in between each word. I slowly walked up to him and gave him a hug from behind.

"Look. Lily is just a bitch and she was a bitch to you. Lily didn't even tell me she was moving tomorrow and that's really low for her not to tell me." I said as I fought back the tears. Logan turned around and did something I wouldn't expect him to do. He kissed me, but I pushed him back and ran away.


"He did what!" Blake and Kevin yelled at the same time.

"Shh, and yes he did." I shushed them because they were so loud and I didn't feel like getting in trouble.

"Why did he kiss you? I mean that's just so wrong." Kevin said in discuss, but to be honest Kevin's face was priceless I couldn't help but giggle.

"Anyway, are you going to talk to him about it?" Blake asked.

"I am not sure if I want to." I said.

"Why not!?" Kevin argued.

"Look, I don't have time for this. I'm going home." I said as I pushed past Kevin and Blake. Until, I felt a hand grab my arm.

"You're not going anywhere." Kevin said protectively.

"Kevin, let go of me. I want to go home. I'll be fine, I promise." I said as yanked my arm back and started walking home.

It was a little chilly outside, but I didn't care. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that has happened in the past and present. Everyone from the summer that I knew were gone and there are only four left including me. Logan, Blake, Kevin, and I are the only ones left and now that I think about it, Logan might be leaving because of what he did to me. Man, this is just a really sad life. I took the alley to make it a quick short cut to get home. Of course, being the clumsy me, I ran into somebody by accident.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't-" I gasped as I looked up to see who it was.


"Au-Austin?" I stuttered and when I thought Austin was gone he really wasn't.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I updated and just to make this clear Ashley is NOT in a dream. I repeat Ashley is NOT in a dream.

Austin isn't going to be in this story for too long. Maybe, just the next chapter that's all. The only reason why so many people are dead or no continuing the story because there are so many characters in the story and I can't keep up with them all. I am really sorry if I cut out one of your favorite characters. Also, this story will be ending soon.

Okay, now the people that are dead or are no longer going to be in the story are: Rachel, Austin, Lily, Kayla, Alex, AJ, and Brian. If you don't remember Kayla, she was the girl who tried to take Kevin away from Rachel and was working for Blake.

Thank you guys so much for all of the support.

Thank you! Keep voting and reading!

Colleen <3

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