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Akutagawa had not been given any missions in the past few days. Every time he attempted to talk to his boss about it his boss would always be busy with some important meeting or out of his office. What made this even more annoying for Diablo was the fact his little sister had so many missions that he was unable to spend his time with her.

Somehow this all led to where he is now; in a park at night sitting on a bench with a stranger who was wearing a brown paper bag on their head.

Well, Akutagawa couldn't exactly call them a stranger; he met them yesterday when they loudly asked to sit next to them and took his silence as a yes. They talked nonstop, mostly about events that happened in neighbouring cities or about random things. He didn't pay attention to most of it but he did pay attention to how they smelled like figs.

"Once they recognised where the kid was from, the orphanage received a ton of complaints mostly from the elders-" Paper Bag head said with their loud voice.

They were lucky no one else was around the park or else they would have been getting glares from everyone for being so impolite, Akutagawa would have already left them if that were the case.

"Akutagawa-san," They said getting his attention only getting a 'hm' in response "What is your favourite kind of tea? Well if you even like tea, you look like you like tea but it wouldn't be too weird if someone as hardworking as you enjoyed coffee as well..."

"I am not picky about tea." The mafioso answered he was thinking of how they said he was hardworking. 'How the hell did they know that? Were they a fellow member of the Port Mafia?' He quickly threw that thought away considering his infamous reputation and the fact they were still talking to him.

"Ohhh that's great! That means you can have many different kinds of tea- Oh yeah you didn't answer if you liked coffee" Akutagawa started paying attention to what was coming out of their mouth, he was curious about many things; who they were, why they wore a paper bag on their head, and what did they want with Akutagawa.

Akutagawa thought for a moment before saying his answer, "I am not fond of coffee." He's only tried coffee a few times and it was extremely bitter, though those coffees were made poorly so he isn't sure if he gave coffee a fair chance.

"Now I have some questions for you." He said looking at the black holes in the paper bag trying to find their eyes only to realise the holes were covered with black fabric.

"Hit me with them!" They exclaimed, not bothering to hide their excitement that Akutagawa was now the one speaking to them.

"Why are you hanging out with me?" Akutagawa asked.

They nervously laughed a little before they answered, "I just want to be with you." This only made Akutagawa narrow his eyes at them, not believing what they said.

"Who sent you to assassinate me?" With this answer he quickly understood what he had to prepare for; he had to prepare Rashomon to attack them, prepare his eyes to see their body be speared by this destructive ability, prepare his heart to be disappointed that he was betrayed by someone who approached him first once more.

"Dude..." They started, their tone full of disbelief before they began laughing again "You seriously think I'm here to kill you? I'm kinda honoured you think I have the physical strength to hurt you and that I have the emotional strength to hurt someone as handsome as you."

Akutagawa didn't say anything but anyone could tell from his expression that he wanted the stranger to continue their explanation.

"If I was sent to kill you and I had the strength to hurt you wouldn't you already be dead? Like why would I spend the night talking to you about stuff when I could be like killing you-"

"If you are not here to kill me, what are you here for." Akutagawa interrupted their rambling.

"As I said earlier; I just want to be with you."


A/N: i was going to say that i'm praying that i made akutagawa like not too ooc but then realised this is a romance story, so no shit he's going to be a ooc towards someones he's interested in towards his atsushi.

two weirdos and their nighttime meetups (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now