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You first met Akutagawa at your job in a small bakery located in Yokohoma's Chinatown. He was with a beautiful girl (you guessed she was his sister and later found out she was) who happened to be a frequent customer, always ordering eggs tarts and sometimes a few pieces of bread. Once they left after she bought her usual, you recognised a black thing on the wooden floor.

'Ah shit! He dropped his wallet!' You realised as you left the cash register to inspect the wallet, you knew it wasn't Gin's wallet as hers was white and had tiny pink details you could never see.

You looked around the bakery and decided that since it was empty, you should go catch up to him before it was too late to return his wallet. You ran out the front door and quickly spotted him at the end of the street standing alone.

'Shit, shit, shit! Why is the end of the street so far away?'

Once you finally got to where he was you were breathing heavily, you tapped his shoulder to catch his attention as somehow your intense breathing hadn't.

"Sir, you dropped your wallet." You quietly said extending your hand that was holding his black leather wallet.

He grabbed it and bowed slightly which was your cue to go back to work. This time you walked which allowed you to notice a wanted poster of the man you just met.

'Wanted: Port Mafia member Akutagawa- Did I seriously just meet a mafioso?' Your mind was exploding and then you remembered what else happened 'Oh my god, I touched the shoulder of a mafioso! And and he even bowed to me, would that mean if the Port Mafia is ever after me for some reason he would spare me because I returned his wallet?!?'

Aaand now you were overthinking impossible imaginary situations as you were slowly walking back to work. As soon as you got back you got scolded by your boss; Kong Kong, for leaving the shop unattended and for not informing him of your sudden departure.


You weren't expecting to see him so soon, and especially not in the park, you loved taking midnight walks in. This time he was in the same outfit that he wore in the wanted posture and not the casual clothing he wore last time.

"Yes Gin, I am at the park you recommended I go to." He said which made you realise he was on the phone "No, I don't enjoy this. The wind keeps blowing the pages of my novel."

His words caused you to notice the book that was on his lap, it was placed in a way that allowed you to see the big title that was on the cover.

'Kappa? So he likes older stories, just like me?' It felt weird to know you have something in common with someone who was labelled as the 'Apostle of Calamity and Despair'. The more you thought of it though, the more you realised he's probably not just a ruthless ability user. He is also a human and must have his own life outside of the Port Mafia.

For some odd reason, you wanted to find out all about him. You wanted to see him for who he truly was, and not just as some guy who was wanted for being a mafioso. But you never could, if you were to become close to him you would be wanted as well. You were not willing to throw away the life you set up for yourself for some guy you barely knew.

And with that, you left the black-haired man to read his book alone in the park.


The next day you came to work, just to find Kong Kong groaning in annoyance in the break room.

"Kong Kong, what's wrong?" You tried to ask.

"Huh? I can't hear you, why are you so far? Come closer!" Kong Kong said, using his hand to motion for you to stand beside him.

"I asked what was wrong Kong Kong." You said again once you got closer.

Your boss made an 'Oh' noise and pointed to the two large boxes on the table. You took a look inside and it was full of tan-coloured paper bags.

"They sent me the wrong paper bags. These are too big and I wanted white paper bags. They didn't even print our shop name onto them!" He stated rubbing his wrinkly forehead in annoyance. "You know what, (Name) how about you take it?"

He gave you no time to refuse shoving the two big boxes into your arms causing your eyes to widen at the sudden weight in your arms.

You put down the boxes on the table and took one of the bags out once you were sure your boss left the break room. You opened the bag up and inspected it.

'Kong Kong was right about these being too big, I can probably fit my head into this..' You thought as you compared the size of the bag to your hand.

Suddenly you recalled what you were thinking yesterday, about you would never know that mafioso because you were not interested in throwing away your life.

'With this though' You thought as you put the bag onto your head 'I can satisfy my curiosity and find out more about him without risking anything!'

You quickly took the bag off your head and came up with a plan on how you would introduce yourself. A smile resting on your lips the entire time.


A/N: ngl i was going to add a scene where you compare people to onions because like they both have layers but then i was like, "becky wtf r u writing bffr"

also just in case, this chapter takes a week or two before the very first chapter. this is like meant to be like a past chapter or wtv.

two weirdos and their nighttime meetups (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now