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The gang that was supposed to deliver weapons to the Port Mafia had yet to show up and Akutagawa's patience was deteriorating. He was already annoyed that he got put on such an insignificant mission, instead of dealing with those to stand against the mafia he was here supervising a trade.

To make matters worse, if this kept up he would be late for his nightly hang-out. He didn't fully understand why but he didn't want to be late, he didn't want his paper bag-wearing companion to wait.

"Akutagawa-Senpai!" Higuchi yelled out, "They're here!"

The pale man's sharp grey eyes pierced the gang members who slowly delivered the crates full of weapons into the Port Mafia's warehouse. He watched them prepared to use his lethal ability on them if they tried to do anything. The boss ordered that Akutagawa supervise this trade until every single crate was in the warehouse, and the gang members were so slow.

'Five tiny crates took them 15 minutes?' Akutagawa thought as looked at them in annoyance and disgust at their weakness. He eventually got fed up with how long they were taking and decided to use his ability to carry the remaining crates into the warehouse.

"Higuchi, inform the Boss that the mission has been completed," Akutagawa ordered. The black and white-haired male realised how late he is to his nightly hangouts.

"Wait! Akutagawa-Senpai!" Higuchi called out, but her superior already began leaving and didn't even look back. The blonde woman sighed before following his orders, calling their boss and telling him about the mission completion.

Akutagawa checked the time and grimaced realising how late he was. There was the possibility you would already leave since a decent amount of time has passed, but Akutagawa had a feeling that you wouldn't leave. Regardless of this feeling, Akutagawa didn't want to make his companion wait any longer, he used his ability to move faster.

Once he was finally in the park and almost there, he couldn't go any further. It felt like all the air in his lungs left his body and he was now fish out of water. He laid on the floor gasping for air and struggling to get up.

He felt pathetic, that this was the reason that fucking weretiger received Dazai's approval before him. That even those gang members who took forever to carry some crates could receive Dazai's approval before him, they can walk freely while Akutagawa was struggling to get up.

"Akutagawa-Senpai!" A familiar but unwanted voice yelled out interrupting these thoughts. Higuchi ran over to Akutagawa and grabbed his arm, planning to lift him.

"No! Stop!" He yelled. He didn't want to be helped, it would mean that he really was so weak he couldn't get up on his own.

"But Senpai!" The brown-eyed woman tried to object, her hands still holding his arm wrapped in his black coat.

"No, let me go," Akutagawa demanded while panting but Higuchi continued to try and object frustrating him even more. Akutagawa thought his only two options were to push her off once he regained his strength or to hope that she would listen to him. But Akutagawa didn't think of one thing; his companion coming in to save him.

"Hey! You creep what do you think you're doing to that man!" His paper bag-wearing companion yelled at Higuchi, startling the latter. Who tried to explain that she was his assistant and helping him but couldn't form the words.

"Don't you dare say you're helping that man because he's said no multiple times! Leave him alone!" They continued yelling at his subordinate who was unaware her boss started to regain his strength, until he began rising and shook her arm off him.

"Akutagawa let's go." And with that, Akutagawa began walking towards his companion who asked if he was ok while looking at the speechless Higuchi.

Once they reached a park bench that was reasonably far away from Higuchi, the paper bag-wearing person began to ask Akutagawa things.

"Are you ok?" Was the first thing they asked.

"Yes," Akutagawa said while looking at the black holes in their bag.

After a few more basic questions they asked one question that confused Akutagawa.

"Was that your girlfriend?" Akutagawa gave a disgusted look at the thought of having romantic relations with his subordinate. He didn't hate her but he didn't want that kind of relationship with her.

After they laughed at the immediate disgusted look he gave, Akutagawa asked a question, "Why did you ask that?"

"It was the first time I saw you with someone else and I was just so surprised it was a woman, and she seemed so close to you..." Their voice became quiet similar to how they were the night before but their tone was very different. Suddenly, he realised something and asked another question to see if this realisation was true.

"Were you jealous?" This received a nod in response which surprised the ability user. "Why would you be jealous?"

"I like you, more than a friend." They stated while fiddling their fingers not looking at Akutagawa's sharp grey eyes. "You're so sweet and kind. You've listened to me ramble, comforted me, and I feel like I get to be myself when around you."

The pale man was speechless for once, not familiar with this kind of attention. Thankfully, they continued speaking so he didn't have to.

"I don't expect you to feel the same way and it's ok if you don't. You haven't known me for a long time and don't know who I really am under the bag. I just..." They stopped, unsure how to continue this confession that wasn't prepared prior.

Akutagawa grabbed their warm hands with his cold ones and told them, "I'll think about it." Followed with their favourite beautiful smile from him.


A/N: this was a lot god damn. im really happy with how it turned out though, like it went through a lot of trial and error.

thank you so much to those who have been reading, commenting, and voting! yall are so nice :).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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